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To reduce the carbon impact from our waste activities, Dorset must work towards creating a more sustainable and efficient circular economy. This means reducing the amount of waste we produce by keeping resources in use for as long as possible and recovering and reusing products and materials wherever we can.

As the body responsible for household waste in the county, Dorset Council is in a strong position to help facilitate this change through direct, indirect, and influential initiatives.

After detailed evidence and information gathering exercises, led by the EAP and carried out by officer working groups, it has been recommended that the Council implement the following 16 actions in relation to Waste.

Milestones have been identified for each action. This plan shows the immediate  targets we will need to achieve by 2023 to keep us on track.

Objective 1

Objective overview
Objective  Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost

Become a low Waste Council by 2040

Direct, indirect Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances heath and wellbeing  Medium
Action plan for prior objective
Actions Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost   2021-23 target

Continue to work towards our commitment to become single-use plastic-free & eliminate the use of all single life products

Direct Low Improves ecology, enhances heath and wellbeing None  All possible single use plastic removed from Council premises 

by Sept 2022

Increase scope of Single-Use Plastic Team to include non-recyclable products Direct Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability None Plan to remove non–recyclable products implemented 

by Dec 2022

Carry out internal waste audits across our operations & create waste reduction plan supported by targeted campaigns

Direct None  None Low
  •  10 x audits completed
  • Waste reduction plans in place & implemented by Dec 2021

Work with Council tenants and concessions to reduce food waste and promote less packaging

Indirect  Low  None None

Future target beyond 2023

Develop campaigns to minimise waste by Dorset Council staff e.g. Reuse incoming packaging to Dorset Council, such as boxes for outgoing orders and envelopes for sending internal mail, cancel subscriptions, reduce printing etc.

Direct None Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability Medium  
  • Communications developed
  • Information disseminated by 2021


Ensure Dorset Council waste is minimised through procurement

e.g. Investigate potential for Dorset Council suppliers to take back packaging, or using reusable packaging systems

Direct None Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability None Waste minimisation included in procurement guidance 

by Dec 2021

Ensure all reusable furniture is donated

Direct Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability None

Facilities to ensure all reusable furniture is donated from Mar 2021

Develop waste policy based on audit findings

Direct None Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability None

DC Waste Policy developed from audit findings by March 2022

Develop waste communications plan and provide containers for all DC staff & buildings

Direct None Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability Low  
  • Communications plan developed
  • Containers installed at DC buildings by Sept 2022


Objective 2

Objective overview
Objective  Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost

Support the transition to a Circular Economy in Dorset

Indirect Medium Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances heath and wellbeing Low
Action plan for prior objective
Actions Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost   2021-23 target

Carry out scenario modelling for waste collection and treatment options in order to establish appropriate waste infrastructure to support the circular economy

Indirect Medium Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability Low

Scenario modelling completed with recommendations submitted
to Cabinet
by 2022

Implement findings of scenario modelling

Indirect Medium Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances heath and wellbeing None

Site search of relevant infrastructure completed by 2023

Liaise with Waste Services on planning any major developments  Indirect Medium Improves ecology None

Links to waste services included in planning department process by March 2021

Objective 3

Objective overview
Objective  Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost

Reduce the amount of waste produced in Dorset

Indirect Medium Improves ecology, enhances heath and wellbeing None
Action plan for prior objective
Actions Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost  2021-23 target
Develop targeted campaigns to reduce the amount of waste produced in Dorset and increase recycling and reuse Indirect Medium Improves ecology, enhances heath and wellbeing None

Programme updated and initiated
by March 2021

Objective 4

Objective overview
Objective  Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost

Encourage greater re-use of waste in Dorset

Indirect Low Improves ecology, enhances heath and wellbeing  Medium
Action plan for prior objective
Actions Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost  2021-23 target

Explore the development of repair cafes and library of things.

Indirect Low Improves ecology, enhances heath and wellbeing Medium

Budget allocated and staff in place for
2 year project
by March 2022

Objective 5

Objective overview
Objective  Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost

Reduce emissions from waste fleet

Direct Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances heath and wellbeing None
Action plan for prior objective
Actions Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost  2021-23 target

Work with fleet manager to reduce emissions from waste collection vehicles, through route optimisation

Direct  Low Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances heath and wellbeing None 
  • Plan initiated by Dec 2021
  • Reduction target established & monitored from Dec 2021

Objective 6

Objective overview
Objective  Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost

Reduce littering & fly-tipping

Partnership/influence Low Improves ecology, enhances heath and wellbeing None
Action plan for prior objective
Actions Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost  2021-23 target

Continue to work with the Police, Environment Agency & community groups to reduce littering & fly tipping

Partnership/influence  Low Improves ecology, enhances heath and wellbeing None

Meetings held with
Police / EA &
community groups
by 2021