Our Transportation Modelling Team can provide a range of services to:

  • Town and Parish Councils
  • other local authorities
  • National Highways
  • the Police
  • other external clients

We are experts in:

  • transport data collection
  • data analysis
  • transportation modelling

We have undertaken a wide range of transport modelling work. This includes:

  • Department for Transport Compliant Major Scheme Business Cases
  • more simple local transport studies to predict future transport movements and economic impacts

Our models and studies help to provide evidence for business cases. This can help secure funding from Government departments and other income sources.

We manage the South East Dorset Multi Modal Transport Model on behalf of:

  • BCP Council
  • Dorset Council
  • Highways England

The model was instrumental in obtaining £79m funding for the Transforming Cities Fund project.

We use the TRACC Accessibility web tool. It provides accurate multi-modal travel time analysis by combining:

  • public transport services
  • routes with highway networks
  • census data

We maintain a significant web-based traffic survey database. It holds traffic count data from over 4,000 locations across the county.

We also conduct a variety of automatic and manual traffic surveys.

We use our permanent induction loop sites, cameras, radar and tubes placed across the highway. Data collected includes number, class and speed of vehicles, cycles, pedestrians, origins, destinations, and journey purposes.

In addition, we co-manage the community Speed Indicator Device (SID programme) with Road Safety Team.

We operate remote GPRS and Bluetooth sensors. They provide real-time traffic flow and journey time information.

Contact us about using our services

Find out more about our services or to discuss your requirements, contact us:

Phil Channer

Name: Phil Channer
Email: phil.channer@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Full contact details