Under section 64 of the New Roads and Street Works Act, the council may designate certain streets (or parts of streets) as traffic sensitive using a range of criteria.

View traffic sensitive streets on a map 

It is a designation that allows highly trafficked highways to be identified as requiring works promoters to give greater advanced warning of proposed works or activities. Depending on circumstances, designation may apply to the carriageway only, to a footway or pedestrian area only, or to any part of a length of street.

Designations may only apply to certain times of day, days of the week, or days of the year.

This designation highlights that works or activities in these situations are likely to be particularly disruptive to other road users, but it does not necessarily prevent occupation during traffic sensitive times. Once a designation is made it applies to all works and activities taking place in the street.

As an incentive to carry out works at less disruptive times, works promoters can benefit from discounted permit fees by completing works on traffic sensitive streets entirely outside of traffic sensitive times.

Our traffic sensitive streets network was reviewed and updated in 2024, and the revisions implemented in May 2024.

Tourism and event routes

Dorset Council is the Highway Authority of a predominantly rural road network and a county with an economy enriched by tourism. Following a Department for Transport consultation in 2022 and change in policy in 2023, Dorset Council could no longer designate some routes, including those receiving tourist and event traffic alone, as "traffic sensitive".

The council can still manage access to any part of the network for all Promoters through Permits, regardless of any designations. This means that if the timings and methodology of works (not including emergency activities) are likely to cause unreasonable disruption, then the council can take evidence-based decisions to require that alternative arrangements are made.

Routes designated for tourism and event traffic, are now included as "local considerations".

View tourism route and event routes on a map