We have recently delivered a temporary mitigation project in the Poole Harbour catchment. We are selling these temporary mitigation credits. They are a cost effective way to mitigate the impact of development when purchased alongside permanent credits.

Permanent credits provide mitigation over a development’s lifetime, 80 years. Our temporary nitrogen mitigation credits are for a limited time from 1 January 2025 to 1 April 2030.

How to buy temporary mitigation credits from us 

To buy temporary mitigation credits from us submit an expression of interest. You can express interest in the Poole Harbour credits between 8 January and 8 February 2025. 

Why buy temporary nitrogen mitigation credits 

Buying temporary mitigation reduces the cost of delivering nitrogen mitigation measures. Temporary mitigation credits are less expensive than permanent mitigation credits.

You will need to:

  • handle delivering the nitrogen mitigation needed for their development
  • complete your own review of the options and costs of nitrogen mitigation

You may also need permanent mitigation. This will address the impact of your development over its lifetime. To do this, you could:

  • buy temporary alongside permanent nitrogen mitigation credits
  • develop your own mitigation measures

Do you need temporary credits

There are new regulations for wastewater treatment works. These relate to those in the catchments of nutrient pollution affected habitat sites. From the 1 April 2030, the new permits will take effect in Poole Harbour catchment. They will ensure that treatment works that discharge into the harbour lower the nitrogen in their wastewater.

Lower nitrogen pollution in wastewater will reduce the need for mitigation.

Natural England’s nutrient budget calculators take account of the new permitting regulations. You should consider temporary mitigation credits if the calculator provides 2 nutrient budgets. These will be one pre-1 April 2030 and one post 1 April 2030. 

Your mitigation measures need to offset your nutrient budget to achieve nutrient neutrality.

How to calculate your credit need 

Natural England’s calculator will give you two figures. Your pre-1 April 2030 and post 1 April 2030 nutrient budgets. All calculations will be development and site specific.

To decide if you need temporary nitrogen mitigation 

To decide if you need temporary nitrogen mitigation, you will need your 2 figures from the Natural England calculator: 

  • figure 1: Your pre-1 April 2030 nitrogen budget in kg TN/yr 
  • figure 2: Your post 1 April 2030 nitrogen budget in kg TN/yr 

You will need to subtract figure 1 from figure 2 to calculate your temporary nitrogen budget needs. If the calculator only gives you figure 2, you will not need temporary mitigation measures because this figure is your permanent nitrogen mitigation budget.  

Example calculation to determine temporary nitrogen mitigation budget:


Nitrogen budget (kg TN/yr) 

Figure 1:  
Pre 1 April 2030 nitrogen budget 


Figure 2:  
Post 1 April 2030 nitrogen budget 

Figure 1 minus Figure 2: 
Temporary nitrogen mitigation requirement 


Permanent nitrogen mitigation credits for Poole Harbour 

We do not currently have any permanent mitigation credits for sale.

Although there are not schemes in these areas currently, we may have nutrient credit schemes become available in the future. Subscribe with us if you would like to be told when other schemes become available.

Natural England are selling some permanent nitrogen mitigation credits. Find out more about the next round of credit sales on Natural England’s website.

There may also be other nitrogen mitigation credit providers operating in the catchment.