Policy and procedures
The Multi-agency safeguarding adults policy and Multi-agency safeguarding adults procedures (as an accessible pdf or searchable page turner document) sets out the locally adopted procedures used by Dorset Council, Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council and all the member agencies.
Multi-agency risk management (MARM)
The origin of MARM principles lies in the good practice which enables agencies to share information where there are concerns about an individual living in the community. It enables agencies to formulate a response and explore solutions quickly.
Multi-agency risk management (MARM) guidance
Multi-agency risk management (MARM) summary
Joint working between Safeguarding Adult services and HRDA (High Risk Domestic Abuse)
It is essential that staff encountering domestic abuse/violence understand that some individuals may also have care and support needs that will require a safeguarding Enquiry to be undertaken. The Safeguarding Adult Boards expect that any case of domestic violence/abuse that meets the criteria for safeguarding adults is discussed with the local safeguarding team, and if required a dual referral to both them and HRDA is made.
See the Multi-agency safeguarding adults procedures, full guidance on joint working can be found in appendix 6.
Further resources
- Communication strategy
- Multi-agency Risk Management (MARM) guidance
- National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults
- Nominated Enquiry report form
- Risk assessment document
- Self-neglect and hoarding - guidance for agencies
- Self-neglect and hoarding - professionals checklist
- Self-neglect toolkit
- Standards for essential safeguarding adults skills training
- What difference does legislation make? Adult safeguarding through the lens of serious case reviews and safeguarding adult reviews - a report by Michael Preston-Shoot