Aims of the strategy

The purpose of the Street Naming and Numbering policy is to process all requests to name streets and to ensure that all properties in the Dorset Council area are assigned an official address that is clear and unambiguous. In turn, this will ensure that Council services, emergency services and other services are able to locate any property address 

Background to the proposal

This policy will replace the current documents in place at East Dorset District Council, North Dorset District Council and Purbeck District Council. West Dorset District Council and Weymouth and Portland Borough Council did not have an adopted policy. 

Intelligence and Communication 

Data, information, evidence and research used and how it has influenced the decision-making process

Policies from the legacy councils. 

Where existing policies existed, they were all slightly different, this policy will help to ensure that street names requests are dealt with in an appropriate way. 

Engagement or consultation that has taken place as part of this EqIA

This policy does not require us to consult or engage. 


As there is no need for an engagement process no feedback if required 


This policy, strategy, project or service does not require an EqIA because this has the potential to facilitate positive impacts for all individuals by ensuring that all properties are assigned an official address, so assisting in the efficient delivery of mail and emergency services being able to local properties quickly.

The policy also references that the council would not support or approve any street name that would cause offence or be considered discriminatory particularly in regard to age, disability, race and ethnicity, faith and belief, sexual orientation, gender and sex.

As such, this EqIA does identify any adverse impacts.

Name: Emma Webb  

Job Title: Business Solutions Analyst

Date: 13 May 2021

Who agreed the EqIA

Officer completing this EqIA:  Emma Webb, date: 14 May 2021

Equality Lead: Susan Ward-Rice, date: 14 May 2021

Second sign off: Becky Forrester, date:14 May 2021