When to apply
The closing date for junior and middle school applications is the 15 January 2025.
Any application or change made after this date will be classed as late. This means we will not consider it until after the on-time round.
We will let you know your outcome:
- on 16 April 2025 if you applied on time (by 15 January 2025)
- on 14 May 2025 if you apply late (between 15 January and 15 April 2025)
Applications received after the late round deadline will be processed as soon as possible following the completion of the late round allocations. This will be dependent on the date of application, receipt of required evidence and remaining space availability at the preferred school(s).
Initio Trust middle schools
The middle schools specified below also have a transfer point of entry at Year 7 (in addition to the normal Year 5 point of entry for a middle school):
- Allenbourn Middle School
- Emmanuel Middle School
- Lockyers Middle School
- St Michael’s CE Middle School
If your child is in Year 6 you wish to apply for Year 7 entry to any of these middle schools, you will be able to select these school preferences in the ‘Starting Secondary School in Sept 2025’ round when making your application.
Please note that these types of application must still be submitted before the secondary school deadline (31 October 2024).