Weather disruption
Winter weather is causing disruption to services in some parts of the county. Find out what services may be affected in your area.
Dorset Council and its former district and borough Councils commissioned various reports relating to sports and recreation space provision and need. These include:
The Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) Assessment Report (March 2019) presents a supply and demand assessment of playing pitch provision across the whole Dorset Council area in accordance with Sport England’s PPS Guidance: An approach to developing and delivering a PPS.
The draft Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan (June 2019) builds upon the preceding Assessment Report, and provides a strategic framework for the maintenance and improvement of existing playing pitch provision and accompanying ancillary facilities.
Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessments have been produced for each former authority area of Dorset Council. The reports provide detail as to what sports and leisure facilities exist in each area, and assesses the condition, location, availability and overall quality of existing provision. The reports consider demand for facilities based on population distribution, planned growth and taking into consideration health and economic deprivation. Please use the links below to access the reports for each area.