Early years child with Special Educational Needs and Disability – Section 23
How to notify us
This form is for Health Professionals to notify us of a child under compulsory school age who may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) under Section 23 of the Children and Families Act 2014
To complete this form, you will need:
• the child’s details
• the parent or carers contact details
• confirmation we have consent from someone with parental responsibility
• information about the child’s early years setting (if applicable)
Start now
This information will be received by the Best Start in Life Advisors through the email address beststartinlife@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk. Notifications are reviewed at the beginning of each month, and contact is made with the families.
We will use the information to help us to plan education services and make sure that in future years, there are enough education places in the right areas, and support is in place to make sure the needs of all children and young people with SEND are met.
The professional completing the form will automatically receive a pdf version of the notification.
The notification will be added into our secure database and shared with the locally based Best Start in Life Advisor. These Advisors work closely with the early years settings across Dorset and provide home visits to some children who may need some additional support.