Your bus pass will be sent to your home address once you have successfully applied for free school transport. You should get your pass within 10 working days of receiving confirmation of your travel arrangements. Contact us if you have not received it.

Types of bus pass

There are 3 types of travel passes used for school transport. 

Dorset Council bus pass

These passes are provided by Dorset Council and will have our logo on.

smart card

Your bus pass lasts for your entire attendance at school or college, unless you are no longer eligible for free school transport. 

Operator bus pass

If you attend a 'One School One Operator' school, you'll receive a bus pass from the school's relevant transport operator. It will have that company's logo on. 

Scholars bus pass - public transport

If you've been assigned a public bus route to travel to school, the pass can only be used on the assigned public bus route. 

The pass will be renewed every year if you are still eligible for free school transport. You do not need to re-apply. A new scholars pass will be sent to you by post before the start of the new school year.

Find your route number

You can find your route number on your pass, and the letter or email you received confirming your travel arrangements. Your pass will have 2 route numbers if you travel on different morning and afternoon routes (the first number is the morning route).

Your pass is only valid on your designated route but you can get on and off the bus at any stop along your route. View routes and timetables.

Lost or damaged Dorset Council bus pass

You must tell us if you've lost or damage your bus pass so that we can inform the driver that you are waiting for a new one to be issues. You can't use school transport without one.

If your pass is damaged, please return it to us.

A replacement pass costs:

  • £15 for the first replacement
  • £25 for any replacements after that

This cost is subject to regular review. 

Lost or damaged operator or scholars bus pass

If you attend a 'One School One Operator' school and have lost or damaged a bus pass, contact the operator.