Details of the current polling districts, polling places and polling stations within the Dorset Council Dorchester East ward, together with the comments of the (Acting) Returning Officer for the Parliamentary Constituencies of North Dorset, South Dorset and West Dorset.
Polling station Parliamentary constituency Polling place Polling district code and name Parish (parish ward) (Acting) Returning Officer's Comments
Lubbecke Way Community Room, Dorchester, DT1 1QL West Dorset Lubbecke Way Community Room, Dorchester, DT1 1QL DRE1 - Dorchester East Dorchester (Dorchester East) Relocate to Dorchester Youth Association.  Better parking facilities, accessible and just yards from the previous polling station. 
Sandringham Court Community Room, Dorchester, DT1 2BL West Dorset Sandringham Court Community Room, Dorchester, DT1 2BL DRE2 - Dorchester
Dorchester (Dorchester East) No comment
Bayeux Court Community Room, York Road, Dorchester West Dorset Bayeux Court Community Room, York Road, Dorchester DRE3 - Dorchester East Dorchester (Dorchester East) Not far from Dorchester Youth Association.  Move electors so they are voting in the same parish ward.  Conveniently located and better parking facilities. 
Bayeux Court Community Room, York Road, Dorchester West Dorset Bayeux Court Community Room, York Road, Dorchester DRE4 - Dorchester South Dorchester
(Dorchester South)
Move to the Cricket Pavilion (as a double station).  Not currently voting in the parish ward.  The Cricket Pavilion votes in the parish ward. 
Weymouth Avenue Cricket Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Dorchester West Dorset Weymouth Avenue Cricket Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Dorchester DRE5 - Dorchester
(Dorchester South)
Double station. 

View a map showing the proposed new Dorchester wards and polling districts