Between 22 October and 3 December 2018 the Council undertook Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, for the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034) pre-submission draft.
The responses that were received can be found in the links below as follows:
- a list of those respondents in alphabetical order
- a list of respondents by policy
- a list of those who have stated that they consider it necessary for them to participate in the oral part of the examination
- responses in full (organised in alphabetical order)
List of Respondents
List of respondents in alphabetical order by surname / organisation.
Comments received in reference to Purbeck Local Plan pre-submission draft policies
Comments received in reference to Purbeck Local Plan pre-submission draft policies
Requests to participate in the oral part of the examination
Requests to participate in the oral part of the examination