Details of the service policies for Recycle for Dorset, the waste and recycling service provided by Dorset Council. It applies to all households in Dorset, including those that are used as second homes.  

This service policy fully supports the aims and objectives of Dorset Council and the Revised Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Dorset. They are: 

  • maintaining customer satisfaction 
  • investigate further options for cashable savings 
  • encourage application of the waste hierarchy 
  • meet our statutory requirements 
  • seek to work in partnership 

This is the fourth version of the policy and the policy will be regularly reviewed.  

2 About the service

2.1 Frequency and materials collected

The Recycle for Dorset service comprises: 

  • a weekly collection of food waste (cooked and uncooked) 
  • a fortnightly mixed recycling collection (paper, card, plastic bottles, plastic pots, plastic tubs and plastic trays, tins/cans and aerosols) 
  • a fortnightly glass collection  
  • a fortnightly rubbish collection of non-recyclable waste  
Please note an optional fortnightly charged garden waste service is also available to Dorset residents. 

Please see the appendices for further definition and expanded lists of what can and cannot be put into each container. 

2.2 Opting out of the service

If a resident decides they do not want to participate in the service they may decide not to use the service. However, they would then be required to dispose of their own waste and in a legal and safe manner.  

3 Standard service - provision of wheeled bins

All households (including second homeowners) are required to present their rubbish and recycling in containers issued by Dorset Council on the collection day specified. The only exception to this is where a property meets one or more of the criteria listed in Section 4 below and following an assessment by a Dorset Council Officer may be offered an alternative service. 

3.1 The standard provision of containers

  • 240 litre grey wheeled bin with a green lid for mixed recycling 
  • 40 litre green kerbside recycling box for glass bottles 
  • 23 litre lockable brown caddy for food waste (with a 7 litre caddy to use in the kitchen) 
  • 140 litre grey wheeled bin with a grey lid for non-recyclable, residual waste 
  • transparent battery bag - batteries to be placed in a small recycling bag, to be presented in clear view with your recycling containers

The standard residual waste bin will provide sufficient capacity for the majority of households provided appropriate use is made of the other containers supplied. There are certain circumstance where additional capacity may be provided. These are identified in Section 7.  

4 Non-standard service - authorised sack scheme

Some properties may not be suitable for the range of containers provided as standard.  If a property meets one or more of the following criteria, it will be deemed unsuitable for wheeled bins and an alternative service will be provided. However, householders may still wish to use the wheeled containers even if their property meets one or more of these criteria. 

4.1 Criteria

  • the property is physically incapable of storing wheeled bins anywhere within its boundary 
  • there is no alternative but to wheel the bins through the property and there is no alternative access or storage point 
  • where the wheeled bin must be brought up or down a series of steps that would present a safety risk or unreasonable difficulty and there is no alternative access or storage point 
  • where there is no suitable point outside or near to the property to present the wheeled bin for collection 
  • any other exceptional circumstances as requested by residents and agreed by Dorset Council

If householders notify Dorset Council that their property meets one or more of the above criteria council officers will assess each application and advise accordingly.  

4.2 Authorised sack scheme

If a property meets at least one of the criteria above, Dorset Council may provide the following alternative to the standard wheeled bins: 

  • authorised sacks for residual waste to be collected every fortnight (table 1 indicates the number of authorised sacks which may be provided); 
  • 23 litre container (and kitchen caddy) for food waste to be collected every week; and 
  • up to three boxes for recycling to be collected every fortnight. One to be used for glass, the others for paper, plastic bottles, cans and tins, and cardboard. In additional, a small reusable bag for batteries

Table 1 - Alternative collection arrangements

Alternative collection arrangements
Household occupancy Number of authorised sacks/containers (1 year supply) 
Residual waste (grey)
Number of authorised sacks/containers (1 year supply)
 Up to 4  2 sacks per fortnight  Up to 3 boxes/bags
 5 plus  3 sacks per fortnight  Up to 3 boxes/bags

The recycling containers in Table 1 are those to be provided by Dorset Council. There is no restriction on recycling capacity and other suitable rigid containers, of a similar dimension and weight to a recycling box, may be presented. 

Where a household meets the criteria for additional capacity, for a large family of five or more, an administration and delivery charge will be levied on the first application. Please refer to Section 7 for more information on tailoring capacity. 

4.3 Annual deliveries

Residents will only receive their entitlement of authorised sacks once each year and this is the household’s annual allowance. The expectation is that residents will split this equally throughout the year and Dorset Council reserves the right to only collect the authorised number of sacks per property per collection. We will not collect waste contained in non-authorised sacks, boxes or other loose rubbish. 

4.4 Gull Proof Sacks

It is the resident’s responsibility to keep their waste contained securely between collections.  In areas where authorised blue rubbish sacks are vulnerable to attack by gulls and/or vermin causing littering, residents may request a gull proof sack in which to protect their blue sacks on collection day. 

Gull proof sacks must not be left out on the highway between collections and once emptied should be returned to the property as soon as possible. 

Only waste contained in authorised blue rubbish sacks will be collected from gull proof sacks. No black sacks, loose waste or small carrier bags will be taken.   

Gull proof sacks are provided free of charge. Where a gull proof sack is lost or damaged; only one free of charge replacement will be granted within any two-year period. Additional requests for replacement gull proof sacks will be subject to a charge. 

Where a property is eligible for additional capacity due to medical waste or a larger family the appropriate number of gull proof sacks will be provided on request. 

5 Collection policies

5.1 Day of Collection

Dorset Council will aim to make all collections, apart from garden waste, on the same day of the week in each area, with recycling and food collected one week and residual waste and food collected on the alternate week. There may be occasions where residual collections will have to take place on a different weekday to recycling, however these will be regarded as exceptions to the normal service, where there are local operational difficulties. 

5.2 Bank holidays and Christmas collections

Collection days change over the Christmas and New Year period. Collections on all other public holidays operate as normal. 

On the first collection after the Christmas period a maximum of an additional two sacks of residual waste will be collected if left next to the residual waste bin or authorised sacks. Residents would be required to use their own sacks for this purpose.

5.3 Collection calendars

Dorset Council does not provide paper copy collection calendars.  Details of collection arrangements including a collection day finder is available on the Dorset Council website.

6 Presentation of waste containers

6.1 Collection point

Containers should be placed on the kerbside at the boundary/edge of curtilage of the property adjacent to the publicly maintained road, unless otherwise agreed by Dorset Council. Wheeled bins and containers must be clearly visible with no restrictions to access. 

Where a household is on a private street or private road (which includes standard and narrow access), Dorset Council reserves the right to stipulate the collection point depending on what is operationally practicable. Where the collection is from a private road then written permission will be required from the owner(s). Both for private streets and for private roads Dorset Council will not accept liability for damage caused to the private road/street surface (including verges) where Dorset Council are acting reasonably. 

Where it is not possible to access the private road or street (which includes standard and narrow access) or permission is not received, the normal collection point will be at a suitable position on the nearest publicly maintained road or at another point agreed between the household and Dorset Council. Where Dorset Council cannot collect from a private road or a private street, householders will be contacted concerning the revised collection point. 

6.2 Isolated or inaccessible properties (restricted access)

Wherever possible, Dorset Council will endeavour to provide the full standard waste and recycling collection service. In some exceptional circumstances, alternative collection arrangements may have to be made and operational managers will make best endeavours to offer a form of waste collection service.    

6.3 Presentation of containers

Wheeled bins and containers must be clearly visible with no restrictions to access. It is the householders’ responsibility to ensure, where possible, containers are not placed in such a way that they will cause an obstruction to pedestrians and road users.  

All wheeled bins and food waste containers must be presented with closed lids. For residual waste, no extra bags, boxes or loose residual waste (side waste) will be collected. It is the householders’ responsibility to return uncollected side waste back to their property. Further policy on side waste (rubbish) is included in Section 8. 

Additional recycling will be collected, provided it is in a suitable container, please refer to Section 9.  

Containers should not be put out for collection earlier than 6pm on the day before collection, or later than 6am on the day of collection. Ideally, wheeled bin handles should be facing towards the road and the food waste container should be left next to the wheeled bin, box or sack. 

After the containers are emptied, the collection crew will return them close to the position from which they were collected, providing this is suitable and safe. It is the householders’ responsibility to return the containers to within the boundary of their property as soon as possible after they have been emptied and no later than the evening of the day of collection. 

7 Tailoring residual waste capacity

The standard residual waste bin will provide sufficient capacity for the majority of households provided appropriate use is made of the other containers supplied. However, in certain circumstances, some residents may not have sufficient capacity for their residual waste. 

Only households conforming to the circumstances detailed in this section can be considered for extra capacity. To be considered for additional capacity, householders must apply to Dorset Council and may be asked to provide supporting evidence or accept a visit from a council officer.  

The householder will be required to inform Dorset Council of any changes in circumstances that mean they no longer meet the requirements of the policy and are no longer entitled to additional capacity. Regular reviews will be conducted to ensure that those who are granted additional capacity still require this and still meet the criteria.  

If a new resident moves into a household with a non-standard residual bin, they will be entitled to the standard sized containers.  

Identified below are the circumstances where residents can apply for additional residual waste capacity should they meet the criteria. 

7.1 Larger families

Families of five or more can apply for a larger bin for residual waste.  Dorset Council will only supply a larger bin for residual waste once satisfied that the household has made every reasonable effort to divert waste through recycling, and that the household requirement for extra capacity is genuine. Extra capacity will be provided as follows:  

  • up to four permanent occupants in the household – standard 140-litre residual waste bin 
  • five or more permanent occupants in household – 240-litre residual waste bin 

With effect from 2017/18 where a household meets the criteria for additional capacity for a large family, an administration and delivery charge will be levied to make this change. Additionally, properties with a larger bin for a larger family are not entitled to apply for additional sacks for disposable nappies. See 7.2. 

7.2 Disposable nappies

Dorset Council encourages the use of modern washable nappies (real nappies) as an alternative to disposables. Real nappies are widely available and Dorset Council operates an incentive scheme to help with the financial cost of buying real nappies. However, some families with young children who use disposable nappies may have additional residual waste needs. As a result, Dorset Council will offer families with small children additional residual waste capacity.   

  • households with one or more children in disposable nappies under three years of age can apply to Dorset Council for additional residual waste capacity
  • households that already have, or have applied for, a larger residual waste wheeled bin (for a larger family) cannot apply for additional sacks for disposable nappies
  • each application for additional sacks due to disposable nappies will be subject to payment of an administration and delivery charge

Where applications are approved, Dorset Council will issue two packs of thirteen authorised sacks to the household. This equates to one additional waste sack per residual waste collection. The purpose of the sack is to increase capacity, not act as a receptacle for used nappies. The householder may place other residual waste within the sack and place used nappies within the wheeled bin. The authorised sack may be presented beside the residual waste wheeled bin. Applications for authorised sacks must be made on an annual basis. 

7.3 Medical conditions

Dorset Council recognises that some residents may have additional waste requirements for medical reasons.  Where additional residual waste is generated and the capacity of the standard residual waste bin is not sufficient, householders (or carers on behalf of householders) can apply for additional capacity.  

Dorset Council Officers may assess each application and work with householders and carers to find an appropriate solution.  The type of container and collection will depend on the nature of the waste. 

For waste classed as ‘offensive’ (i.e. as defined by the Controlled Waste Regulations 2012 it is not infectious) Dorset Council can provide the householder with additional capacity suitable to their needs. This will be either bigger or additional containers. Sacks will only be provided where containers are not appropriate for the property (see property unsuitable criteria).  For clarity offensive waste may include waste contaminated with body fluids or excretions such as incontinence waste, stoma bags, tubing from dialysis. 

If the waste is classed as ‘clinical’ (i.e. the resident has an infection as defined by the Controlled Waste Regulations 2012) the householder will be asked to complete a form which will require input from a medical professional to determine the type of waste. This should then be returned to us to enable us to facilitate suitable storage and collection of the waste. 

With regard to sharps at the present time these can be returned to local doctors’ surgeries in Dorset however this practice is under review and may change. 

Where additional capacity is no longer required due to a change in circumstances, e.g. a person is admitted to a nursing home, Dorset Council should be informed. 

8 Presentation of side waste (rubbish)

8.1 Side waste (rubbish)

The standard residual waste capacity that Dorset Council provides will be sufficient to hold all household waste that householders produce between collections, provided that appropriate use is made of all the containers supplied. Extra bags, boxes and loose residual waste left next to residual waste bins can attract vermin and create litter.  Additional residual waste presented alongside the residual waste bin or authorised sacks will be deemed as ‘side waste’ and will not be collected.  

The exceptions to this policy are:  

  • when collections have been delayed or cancelled (e.g. suspension of service due to severe weather conditions)
  • on the first collection after the Christmas period a maximum of an additional two sacks of residual waste will be collected if left next to the residual waste bin or authorised sacks. Residents would be required to use their own sacks for this purpose

When side waste is not collected, the crew will leave information explaining why it has not been collected. The collection crew will not return to collect side waste. It is the householders’ responsibility to take back uncollected side waste onto their property. Side waste left on the highway will be deemed to be fly tipping. 

Additional recycling will be collected. Please refer to Section 9. 

Garden waste will not be collected through the standard scheme. Householders may wish to subscribe to the charged fortnightly garden waste collection service.

8.2 Collection of Christmas trees

Residents who subscribe to the optional garden waste collection service can cut up their real Christmas tree and place it in their garden waste bin for collection. Logs or large branches (more than six inches in diameter) cannot be collected.  

Residents who do not subscribe to the garden waste service but would like their real tree to be composted can take it to their local household recycling centre. Christmas Trees should not be placed in rubbish or recycling bins or left next to them. 

9 Presentation of additional recyclables

9.1 Additional recycling

There are no restrictions on the quantity of recyclable materials that households can recycle providing they store and present the materials appropriately. If a resident has additional recycling that will not fit in the recycling bin or box, Dorset Council will collect this provided it is presented in a suitable rigid container comparable in size, capacity, dimensions and weight to your recycling box (plastic sacks or cardboard boxes are not suitable containers). It is the householders’ responsibility to return uncollected side waste back to their property. 

If a resident presents additional recycling, paper and card should be kept dry and stored in the wheeled bin. Tins, cans and plastic bottles can be collected from an extra container or recycling box. Glass bottles and jars must be separated from other recycling materials when presented for collection. Glass must not be put in the wheeled bin, as it will contaminate the other materials. Dorset Council is unable to collect any large pieces of cardboard and this should be taken directly to a Household Recycle Centre by the resident. If this is not possible large cardboard boxes should be broken down and placed loosely in the recycling bin.  

If required, householders will be able to purchase additional Dorset Council recycling wheeled bins or boxes. We will only empty wheeled bins that are provided by Dorset Council. We cannot accept any liability for loss or damage to any container the householder provides for storage and collection of recyclables. If a replacement recycling box, lid or food caddy is required, residents will be advised to collect these from a network of local collection points wherever possible.  

9.2 Smaller recycling wheeled bins

Smaller recycling bins are no longer available as an option for recycle for Dorset.  The only exception to this is where there is a clear operational justification for a smaller bin and this is at the discretion of an Operations Manager.  

If a new resident moves into a household with a smaller (non-standard) recycling bin they will be entitled to the standard service at no extra cost.  

If a householder requests to change from a smaller recycling bin to a standard sized container, and they originally requested a smaller recycling bin, then an administration and delivery fee will be levied to make this change.  

10 Assisted collections

10.1 Provision and applications

Dorset Council offers alternative collection arrangements in circumstances where all members of the household are genuinely incapacitated, either temporarily or permanently, or have a physical disability which makes it difficult or impossible to present waste and recycling at the kerbside and either: 

  1. there is no other able-bodied person living in the same property over 14 years of age or 
  2. no family member, friend, carer or neighbour is available to help wheel the bin to the collection point each week. 

As part of these arrangements the applicant will have to: 

  • agree to a permanent alternative collection point and
  • if requested to do so, provide proof of incapacity (doctor’s note) and
  • allow access to containers for the collection crew from 6am onwards

To carry out an assisted collection, the collection crew will have to enter private property. Dorset Council collection staff are not authorised to enter the resident’s home. Dorset Council is not liable for any damage caused, unless operatives can be shown to have acted in an unreasonable manner.  

To apply for an assisted collection, residents must apply to Dorset Council and a home visit may be required. An annual re-application process for assisted collection applicants will be carried out by Dorset Council to ensure that support is still needed.  

In cases where applications for assisted collections are received from residents living in locations which would require Dorset Council to access long drives or lanes or move containers extended distances it is possible that Dorset Council will be unable to comply with that request, or an alternative service or location may be offered. In these cases, the final decision on what service can be provided will be made by the Head of Operations.  

11 Missed bins and containers

11.1 Genuine missed bins

All bins and containers must be presented for collection by 6am on the day of collection, as Dorset Council is unable to guarantee what time collection crews will arrive to empty them.  

Where a bin is presented correctly (correct materials, time, day, place etc.) in accordance with this policy document but has been genuinely missed, Dorset Council will return to empty it. Dorset Council will endeavour to collect it within no more than five working days of being notified by the householder. Please do not report a missed bin until the entire street has been completed by the collection crew. 

11.2 Contaminated bins and containers

Where the collection crew is unable to empty a container because it has not been presented correctly (e.g. contains contaminating material), they will leave information indicating why it has not been emptied. In this case, Dorset Council will not return to empty the bin or container prior to the next scheduled collection. The householders will need to remove all contamination from the bin or container before the next scheduled collection or it will not be emptied.  Where a genuine mistake has occurred, additional material may be collected at the next planned collection. 

Further information regarding the use of each containers, materials that can and cannot be put into each container and contaminants is included in the appendices at the end of this policy.  

11.3 Overfilled or overweight bins

Bins should not be overfilled or too heavy for the collection crew and vehicle to move and lift safely. If waste is too compacted, it may not come out of the bin when it is tipped into the collection vehicle. In this case, it will be left in the bin and it will be the householders’ responsibility to remove this before the next collection.  The householders will be expected to remove items that are too heavy to empty.  

The householders should make sure that the bin is not overfilled so that the lid can close completely. Dorset Council will only empty bins that have the lid closed; a part open lid can obstruct the vehicle's lifting equipment and is a health and safety risk.

11.4 Cold weather - materials freezing inside containers

During very cold weather, materials can freeze inside containers, and on occasion this means they cannot be emptied. This particularly affects organic materials such as food waste. In exceptional weather conditions, particularly snow and ice, collections may be suspended. Dorset Council will make best endeavours to return as soon as conditions have improved and access is possible. Information about alternative collection arrangements will be kept up to date on our website and local media where possible.  

11.5 Crew unable to access containers

There are occasions where collection crews are prevented from accessing bins for collection due to poorly parked vehicles, roadworks, etc.  Where this is the case, Dorset Council will make every effort to return once access becomes available and communicate with householders in affected areas. In exceptional circumstances, if a collection vehicle is repeatedly restricted from accessing bins, residents may be requested to take wheeled bins, containers or sacks to an agreed alternative collection point. Collection crews will not normally wheel out several containers from roads to an access point for emptying.  

Where there are persistent problems with access, and there is no reasonable expectation of accessing a road or area, Dorset Council may not return to empty missed bins. In this case, Dorset Council will seek to resolve the access issues with individuals and agencies such as the police and highways authority. A possible solution may be to agree a designated collection point. 

Dorset Council reserves the right to alter collection schedules if required, e.g. public holidays. Information about alternative collection arrangements will be kept up to date on our website and in council newsletters. 

12 Responsibility and ownership of bins and containers

12.1 Ownership of containers

All bins and other containers supplied by Dorset Council remain the property of Dorset Council. All two wheeled bins provided by Dorset Council will be fitted with an electronic identification tag.  

12.2 Householder responsibilities

Householders are responsible for keeping the bins and containers safe, clean and reporting any bins that are damaged, lost or stolen.  

12.3 Dorset Council responsibilities

We will replace any containers that become faulty through fair wear and tear.  Dorset Council reserves the right to make a charge to replace any containers damaged because of misuse by the householder. On occasion, wheeled bins are damaged during the collection process. Where this occurs Dorset Council will replace the wheeled bin as soon as is reasonably practicable, free of charge. 

Dorset Council will remove any containers that are identified as unauthorised or that have previously been reported as lost or stolen from another address. 

12.4 Keeping bins clean

Dorset Council is not responsible for cleaning bins, residents have the responsibility of keeping their bins clean. There are professional cleaning companies that provide a wheeled bin cleaning services.  

13 Moving home

13.1 Leaving

If a resident moves house they must leave all bins, boxes, containers and authorised sacks behind in a clean condition ready for the next occupant.   

13.2 Moving In

Residents who have recently moved into a property are entitled to the standard service and they should contact Dorset Council if they have non-standard sized containers at the property. If the previous occupant has left behind a contaminated bin, Dorset Council will empty it on the first occasion when notified.

14 Communal properties

Dorset Council will seek to provide a service to residents of flats and other communal properties that is equivalent to the standard service. This may include shared bins for recycling, residual waste and food waste. Due to variances in layout of communal properties, each will be assessed by Dorset Council to agree the collection service to be provided to that location.   

In some circumstances, such as large blocks of flats, Dorset Council will require the name of a contact person for the site and it will be that person’s responsibility to notify Dorset Council of any changes in circumstances or issues that may occur.   

Where shared bins are used and Dorset Council experiences problems of persistent contamination, recycling facilities may be restricted, changed or withdrawn. Dorset Council reserves the right to charge to clear bins containing contaminants.    

There is a charge for replacement of lost or damaged communal wheeled bins (770l and 1100l bins). 

15 Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMO)

A HMO will receive one standard set of recycle for Dorset containers. Larger HMOs may require additional waste capacity. If this is the case the landlord’s options are: 

  • pay for a larger capacity bin (5 or more residents – see 7.1 Larger families) 
  • take the additional waste themselves to a licenced facility.  To do this they will need a waste carrier’s licence (The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011) and pay to dispose of the waste
  • request Dorset Council to collect the additional waste, however a collection charge will be payable
  • pay a company to collect and dispose of the waste (this must be a registered waste carrier). There are many commercial operations that can undertake this service

16 New developments and new council tax rated property

16.1 Charges for containers for new domestic properties

With effect from 2017/18 there will be a charge for the provision, administration and delivery of a full set of ‘recycle for Dorset’ containers where requested for a new build or new council tax rated property. Dorset Council encourages the developer to fund the provision of containers however where they are not willing to do so the householder will ultimately be required to cover this cost. 

16.2 Collections from new developments

Fewer and fewer new roads are being adopted by the Highways Authority (Dorset Council) and where they are this can take as long as 24 months after completion.  Whilst building is ongoing, Dorset Council will make every effort to collect from properties where possible. However, each new development will be individually assessed and the following requirements must be met: 

  • where a road is to be adopted, has been completed, and can be safely accessed by a standard collection vehicle, collections will commence. However, collections can only start once a suitable risk assessment has been completed 
  • for new un-adopted roads, Dorset Council will provide a service if the landowner offers an indemnity against damage and where there is no significant operational difficulty 
  • for larger developments, the site will be risk assessed in stages and Dorset Council will liaise with the developer/site agents to agree suitable collection points to which access can be gained. This may require a number of risk assessments over a period of time 
  • any properties that are occupied but cannot be provided with kerbside collections will be required to present their containers at an agreed point 
  • adjustments to the service may need to be considered during the interim stages as there may not be any suitable collection points for multiple wheeled bins/boxes etc

Additional information is available in a separate document ‘recycle for Dorset Guidance for Developers’ regarding the service. 

17 Business waste

Businesses are required to pay for their waste to be collected and disposed of and must not use the household waste service which is funded by council tax. This includes using public litter bins, recycling banks or taking materials to Household Recycling Centres. Regular duty of care checks are carried out by Dorset Council Enforcement Officers to ensure Dorset businesses are legally disposing of their waste. 

Businesses run from home (for example B&B’s, holiday lets and childminders) must ensure they make separate provision for their business waste and must not use their household waste containers. The Controlled Waste Regulations 2012 classify waste from different types of premises.   

Appendix 1 - Food containers

Only food waste may be placed in the food waste container. Ideally, food waste should be put straight into the container, and the container washed out periodically. Dorset Council understand that some residents would prefer to wrap food before placing it into the container and in this instance the following advice should be adhered to prevent contamination: 

  • a sheet or two of newspaper can be used to wrap food waste.  Other types of paper such as magazines or cardboard are not acceptable; 

  • starch or paper compostable liners are available from many supermarkets and local shops. Dorset Council will only collect food waste containers with liners if they have the following logo

The compostable logo

  • no other liners should be used, e.g. plastic bags (including carrier bags marked as biodegradable) as this would contaminate the bin and Dorset Council will not empty it

Food waste incorporates all cooked and uncooked food waste including:

  • meat, fish and bones
  • cakes, bread and pastries
  • leftovers including plate scrapings
  • tea bags and coffee grounds
  • pasta and rice
  • fruit and vegetable peelings
  • eggshells
  • cheese and dairy produce

If any other materials apart from ‘food’ are found in the food waste container information will be left and the container will not be collected. Oil and other liquids are not permitted in the food waste container. 

Appendix 2 - Recycling containers

Householders must only put the recycling material as detailed below in their recycling bin and container. Any other material found in the bin and containers will be deemed as contamination and the container may not be collected.  

Material collected for recycling will be: 

240-litre wheeled bin

  • paper and light card
  • corrugated cardboard
  • tins, cans and aerosols
  • plastic bottles and food containers, e.g.:
    • fizzy drink bottles and squash bottles
    • milk bottles
    • detergent bottles
    • shampoo and shower gel bottles
    • yoghurt pots
    • margarine tubs
    • ice cream containers
    • non-polystyrene meat trays

Kerbside recycling box

  • glass bottles and jars

Reusable battery bag

  • batteries (in a plastic battery bag)

If any other materials apart from those listed are found in the recycling bin or container, information will be left and the bin or container will not be collected. Plastic collection does not include:

  • plant pots
  • plastic garden furniture
  • carrier bags
  • expanded polystyrene
  • plastic films
  • crisp packets and sweet wrappers
  • CD cases

Dorset Council reserves the right to charge for emptying of contaminated recycling bins if requested to do so. 

Appendix 3 - Residual waste containers

Residual waste (rubbish) is the waste that cannot be recycled or composted as part of the standard service. However, some materials cannot be disposed of in the residual waste bin.  Residents should not put the following items into the residual waste bin:  

  • broken glass unless safely wrapped or contained within a wheeled bin
  • rubble, stone, soil and gravel
  • syringes / clinical waste
  • business waste
  • garden waste
  • hot ashes
  • liquid paint and oil
  • hazardous waste
  • gas canisters
  • batteries
  • electrical items

Separate arrangements may be made for the collection of most of these materials, although a charge may be made. Alternatively, most of these materials may be taken to a local household recycling centre.