Over the coming months, the public contract regulation information will be collated into a single Dorset Council dataset, but initially some items will continue to be published by the previous geographical areas.

Dorset Council

In accordance with regulation 133(7) of the Public Contact Regulations (2015) the following statistics for Dorset Council display the:

  1. percentage of invoices paid within 30 days
  2. amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payments. The figures exclude any disputed invoices.

Dorset Council Performance Monitoring Payments within 30 days

Dorset Council Interest Liability Summary

Former Dorset County Council

In accordance with regulation 113(7) of the Public Contract Regulations (2015) the following statistics for the former Dorset County Council display the:

  1. percentage of invoices paid within 30 days
  2. amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payments. The figures published for 2015-2016 and 2014-15 include invoices regarded as in dispute and are therefore lower than would otherwise be the case. Any figures published after the 2015-16 financial year will exclude disputed invoices.

Former Dorset County Council Performance Monitoring Payments within 30 days

Former Dorset County Council Interest Liability Summary

Former Purbeck District Council

Under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (Regulation 113), councils are required to publish two performance indicators annually.

Former Purbeck District Council public contracts regulations 2018-2019 performance indicators