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Operational estate management.
TF property database
The personal information we may need from you consists of contact information made available within legal documents or the public domain or the preferred means of communication:
To help us provide services appropriate to your needs we may receive personal information about you from others such as farm tenants – partner’s and children’s names (those who offer to provide such).
The following organisations or departments may use the information you provide:
The Data Controller is Dorset Council.
The Data Protection Officer for Dorset Council may be contacted at
Your information will be used for managing Dorset Council properties and land.
If we cannot use your data we may not be able to provide you with these services
Data relates to land and property within the area of Dorset of a legal interest or responsibility to Dorset Council.
Personal data is only accessed by those within DCC with password protected access to TF Facility.
Your information will not be stored in, processed or accessible from countries outside the UK, EU or EEA countries.
Data should be recorded within the TF Property Database relative to the same retention schedules that exist with the corresponding deed packets stored at the Dorset History Centre.
When land or property is disposed the corresponding records on the TF database are made inactive and archived within TF Facility software and become unviewable on TF Web.