The Drinking Water Inspectorate has removed all caps on fees and charges associated with undertaking the requirements of the regulations. This is in order to accommodate new requirements set out in the 2018 amendments and allows Authorities to recover their costs.

The 2018 amendments require that three years of full analysis are carried out before reductions in parameter requirements or sampling frequency can be considered.

We have set charges as allowed for by the legislation to recover its costs, although we have endeavoured to keep these charges to a minimum. 

The following are approximate charges based on the requirements of the amended regulations:

Action required Charge
Risk assessment  £77.18 per hour + contractor costs
Investigation £77.18 per hour + contractor costs
Sampling visit (Pass) £86
Sampling visit (Failure) Costs from £172
Sample analysis (Small supply) (Group A) * Approximately £78
Sample analysis (Large supply) (Group A & B) * Approximately £152
Radon** £67.03

* We are testing Group B water samples for a basic set of parameters, which is keeping the cost to the supply owners/users as low as possible. We may have to add extra parameters to the list to be tested for, due to historical data related to hydrology or geology in the area, or following information gained during the risk assessment.  You may also be additionally charged for any confirmatory analysis which occurs when parameters fail.

** Only for ground water supplies in areas of increased risk

Administration fees are based on an hourly rate of £30 per hour. Time taken is based on the number of properties on the supply which impacts on the time taken to administer.

Additional PWS Administration Fees

Task Admin Time (approx.) Cost
Fail - Up to 5 properties 1 hour £30
Fail - 6 to 15 properties 1.25 hours £37.50
Fail - 16 to 25 properties 1.5 hours £45
Fail - 26 to 35 properties 1.75 hours £52.50
Fail - 36 to 45 properties 2 hours £60
Fail - 46 to 55 properties 2.25 hours £67.50
Fail - 56 to 65 properties 2.5 hours £75
Fail - 66 to 75 properties 2.75 hours £82.50
Fail - 76 to 85 properties 3 hours £90
Service of Notice Fee Per hour £77.18
Certificate request/analysis following sample during risk assessment 30 minutes £15

The primary relevant person will be invoiced for the fees once works have been completed and there will also be an option to pay by direct debit.

Please note that on receipt of sample pass analysis, a further letter to all supply users will be sent to confirm that satisfactory result.

Where a supply fails, legislation states that notices shall be served, officer time in producing and serving notices, where applicable, will be charged at the officer hourly rate.