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The following consultations took place as part of the local plan review.

Issues and Options Consultation 2015

Options Consultation 2016 

New Homes for Purbeck Consultation 2018 

Previous Evidence

Habitat Regulations Assessment of the Purbeck Core Strategy September 2011

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report - Partial Review September 2013

Issues and Options Consultation 2015

We consulted on the issues and options of the Partial Review of the Purbeck Local Plan during January to March 2015.

Reviewing the Plan for Purbeck's Future - Issues and Options Consultation Document

Partial Review: Issues and Options Summary Report June 2015

Issues and Options evidence documents

Sustainability Appraisal 2015

Sustainability Appraisal Non-technical Summary 2015

Equalities Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment 2015

Additional Employment Land Background Paper 2015

Eastern Dorset Strategic Housing Market Assessment - Interim Findings 2015

Heathlands Background Paper 2015

Habitats Regulation Assessment of the Partial Review 2015

Previously Developed Land Study 2015

Poole and Purbeck Retail Study 2015

Poole and Purbeck Retail Study appendices

Poole and Purbeck Retail Town Centre Retail and Leisure Study- Volume 2:Town Centre Health Checks 2015

Settlement Boundary Reviews:

Bovington Settlement Boundary Review

Briantspuddle Settlement Boundary Review

Church Knowle Settlement Boundary Review

Corfe Castle Settlement Boundary Review

East Chaldon Settlement Boundary Review

East Lulworth Settlement Boundary Review

Harmans Cross Settlement Boundary Review

Kimmeridge Settlement Boundary Review

Kingston Settlement Boundary Review

Langton Matravers Settlement Boundary Review

Lytchett Matravers Settlement Boundary Review

Lytchett Minster Settlement Boundary Review

Moreton Station Settlement Boundary Review

North Wareham Settlement Boundary Review

Sandford Settlement Boundary Review

Studland Settlement Boundary Review

Upton Settlement Boundary Review

Wareham Town Settlement Boundary Review

West Lulworth Settlement Boundary Review

Winfrith Newburgh Settlement Boundary Review

Wool and East Burton Settlement Boundary Review

Worth Matravers Settlement Boundary Review

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2015

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2015

Wareham Town Centre Background Paper 2015 

Options Consultation 2016

We received around 3,300 responses to the consultation, which closed on 12 August 2016.

Partial Review Options Consultation Document 2016

Partial Review Options Consultation Report

Partial Review Options Consultation Report: Appendices

Options evidence documents

Equalities Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment 2016

Habitat Regulations Assessment 2016

Duty-to-cooperate Background Paper 2016

Eastern Dorset Strategic Housing Market Assessment Final Report 2015

Eastern Dorset Strategic Housing Market Assessment -  Purbeck Summary 2015

Exploring Heathland Mitigation in Purbeck Final Report 2016

Exploring Heathland Mitigation in Purbeck - Maps A1-B2

Exploring Heathland Mitigation in Purbeck - Maps B3-C4

Housing Background Paper 2016

Previously Developed Land Study Update June 2016

Proposed New Policies Background Paper 2016

Purbeck Infrastructure Plan 2016

Revised Policies Background Paper 2016

Site Selection Background Paper 2016

Strategic Economic Land Availability Assessment (SELAA) 2016

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2016

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2016

Transport Modelling Spatial Model Report 2016

Viability Assessment of Partial Review 2016

Planning Advisory Service review

We arranged for the Planning Advisory Service (PAS) to undertake an independent review of the Partial Review process.

PAS is independent, working neither for a particular company, nor any individual political party, and is part-funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) to support local authorities in their planning functions. Further information about the PAS Review is available in the project initiation document.

The findings of the review are available in the final report.

New Homes for Purbeck Consultation 2018

As part of the Purbeck Local Plan Review, Purbeck District Council carried out a consultation on sites for new homes in the district. The council also sought views on possible new planning policies relating to second homes and affordable homes.

New Homes for Purbeck Consultation Document January 2018

The report on the results of the consultation was approved by the council in May 2018.

New Homes for Purbeck Consultation evidence documents

Affordable Housing Tenure Mix Background Paper 2018

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Background Paper 2018

Equalities Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment 2018 

Habitats Regulations Assessment January 2018

Heathlands Background Paper 2017

Historic Environment Background Paper 2017

Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2018

Purbeck Economic Projections Background Paper 2017

Purbeck OAN Update 2017

Purbeck District Council Review Note OAN Update 2017

Purbeck Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment 2017

Second Homes Background Paper 2017

Second Homes Policy Impacts Study 2017

Settlement Strategy Update 2017

Site Selection Background Paper 2018

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2018

Strategic Road Network Transport Modelling Phase 1 2018

Strategic Road Network Transport Modelling Phase 2a 2018

Strategic Road Network Transport Modelling Phase 2b 2018

Highways England Purbeck Modelling Statement 2018

Transport Background Paper 2018

Viability Update and Sensitivity Testing November 2017

Windfall and Character Area Potential Background Paper 2018