“Working together to create a fairer, more prosperous and more sustainable Dorset for current and future generations” 

‘Working together’ reflects how partnership and working together is vital to achieve the best outcomes for Dorset. ‘Together’ refers to Dorset Council, voluntary, private and public sector partners, residents, communities and businesses.

‘Fairer’ is about addressing the inequities and challenges some of our residents’ face. We need to improve social mobility, reduce health inequalities, support vulnerable people, improve access to homes for local people, and support inclusive communities. 

‘More prosperous’ is about economic growth and creating opportunities for residents to enjoy a better quality of life with better outcomes.  

‘More sustainable’ is about tackling climate change and helping nature to recover. It’s enabling communities to strengthen and become more self-reliant while adopting a preventative approach that helps people avoid crises. We want a more sustainable model for public services and a better quality of life for residents. 

'For current and future generations' reflects the focus on where we want Dorset to be in 5, 10, 20 years' time. 

Guiding this vision are the underlying principles of ‘Partnership’ and ‘Prevention’: we can achieve more working with others and through prevention we can avoid crisis.