This section of our webpages provides more information on mitigating nutrient pollution through credits obtained from a mitigation provider.
Mitigation credits delivered by Dorset Council
We have been awarded Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund grant to deliver nutrient mitigation schemes in Poole Harbour catchment. We will also explore opportunities to deliver mitigation in other nutrient sensitive catchments in our area, including within the Somerset and Wiltshire Councils who have also separately been awarded Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund grant.
This section starts with an explanation of the process for securing mitigation projects from Dorset Council mitigation schemes.
The cost of Dorset Council credits
Credit prices will be set fairly with the aim of encouraging delivery of sustainable development in accordance with our development strategy. The price of credits will vary and will take account of:
- the costs of delivering the mitigation project (this may include investments to acquire land and to install plant and infrastructure)
- the ongoing costs connected with the ensuring that the mitigation project remains effective in perpetuity
- administrative and legal costs
- the price of mitigation credits in the wider credit market
The steps for making an application for credits are outlined next.
Temporary nitrogen mitigation credits for the Poole Harbour catchment
As of January 2025, we are inviting expressions of interest for the purchase of temporary nitrogen mitigation credits in the Poole Harbour catchment. These credits are only likely to be of interest for development in Dorset Council area because wastewater treatment plant in the BCP Council area will not be subject to new permitting requirements from 1 April 2030.
If you are interested in securing temporary nitrogen mitigation credits for the Poole Harbour catchment from us you will need to make your application within a defined window. We will be accepting initial expressions of interest for these credits between 8 January 2025 and 8 February 2025. There are more details on this elsewhere on our website.
Securing credits from a mitigation project delivered by Dorset Council
At present (January 2025) the councils are not able to offer any permanent mitigation credits. We currently only inviting expressions of interest for temporary nitrogen mitigation credits for the Poole Harbour catchment area. Both councils are still working on investing Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund grant from government to secure permanent nitrogen mitigation projects in the Poole Harbour catchment. Earlier web pages that list ‘accredited’ mitigation schemes will be regularly reviewed and updated with details of credits as and when they become available.
This page sets out the process for making an application to secure mitigation credits from a project delivered by the council.
Applications for credits can be made by:
- an individual
- a housing developer of any size
- a consultant working on behalf of an individual or a developer
To apply to buy credits the development proposal must fall within the definition of ‘qualifying development’ and be within the same catchment area as the mitigation project that is the source of the credits (it is not possible to mitigate the impacts from development located in one catchment area with a mitigation project delivered in another catchment area).
We suggest you investigate whether you will need nutrient mitigation for your development and how this will be secured before formally submitting your planning application. Your Nutrient Neutrality Statement should set out a nutrient budget and indicate how you intend to mitigate nutrient pollution from your development. We have set out the process of securing credits from us in more detail below.
Step 1
Screen whether your development proposals are located within any of nutrient sensitive catchments in Dorset and whether your development proposals fall within any of the categories of ‘qualifying development’.
Assuming that you are seeking planning permission for qualifying development in a nutrient sensitive catchment the next step is to calculate how many credits are needed, based on a nutrient budget calculation for the development. Natural England have prepared calculators and guidance which allow nutrient budgets to be determined. We have also prepared separate guidance on water quality and nutrient neutrality statements, and determining how many temporary nitrogen mitigation credits you might require.
To calculate the nutrient budget for your development:
The calculator will give the annual total amount of nutrient (nitrogen and/or phosphorus) that requires mitigation in perpetuity. This will determine the amount of nutrient mitigation needed to offset the impact from the proposed development. The nutrient budget is expressed in kilograms (kg) for either total phosphorus (TP) or total nitrogen (TN) per year (yr). This has been abbreviated to: kg TP/yr or TN/yr. One nutrient credit is equivalent to one kilogram (kg) of nutrient pollution. Therefore, to mitigate one kilogram (kg) of nutrient pollution one nutrient credit will need to be purchased. To mitigate 2.75kg of nutrients 2.75 credits will be needed.
The nutrient pollution standards may affect nutrient loads from development after they take effect on 1 April 2030. The calculator will provide a pre and post-2030 nutrient loading figure in kg per year if there is a change in the budget after 2030. Details of both budgets will need to be provided in the nutrient neutrality statement that supports your planning application. We have prepared separate guidance on calculating temporary nitrogen mitigation budgets as part of our plans around sales of temporary nitrogen mitigation credits in early 2025.
At any point in time, temporary or permanent mitigation credits may be available depending on the mitigation projects which have been delivered. Temporary credits can be used to mitigate higher nutrient loading in the short term (i.e. pre-2030) before the nutrient pollution standards take effect. Permanent credits can meet both the short term (pre-2030) and long term (post-2030) loads from development.
You will also need to submit your nutrient budget calculations to us as part of your planning application (where required, we will not process your application unless you have provided nutrient budget calculations in a nutrient neutrality statement). We will review the calculations when assessing the planning application (this process will be simplified where we have already provided pre-application advice).
We will not accept credit applications unless your calculations have been checked and are confirmed by the council’s Environmental Assessment Team as part of the assessment of your planning application.
Step 2
You’ll need to provide the following information in your credit application:
- planning application reference number
- nutrient budget calculation that has been checked and confirmed by the council’s Environmental Assessment Team and Natural England
- assessed requirement for temporary and permanent mitigation credits
- applicants and agent’s names
- contact details
If you do not provide a checked and confirmed nutrient budget calculation, your credit application will be rejected.
Step 3
If your application is successful, we will contact you after the ‘window’ for expressions of interest closes to complete the sale of credits. There will be a streamlined payment process to purchase temporary nitrogen credits and anyone purchasing credits is expected to have the financing for the purchase in place. Planning permissions are likely to include a mechanism to ensure that work on implementing the permission does not begin until credits have been secured. This may take the form of a planning obligation or condition depending on the circumstances.
Step 4
When you have received your final nutrient credit certificate, send a copy to our planning development management team (the team that is responsible for the sale of nutrient mitigation credits operates independently and separately from the officers who will be managing your planning application). Our development management team will confirm if you have met the terms of the nutrient mitigation conditions or planning obligations that were applied to the planning permission as part of any application to address the requirements of a planning condition.
When this has been confirmed, the housing on your development can be occupied.
Securing credits from a mitigation project delivered by a third party
Advice for mitigation providers
To meet the requirements of the habitats regulations we need to be satisfied that mitigation is achievable in practice at the point we take a decision on whether to grant planning permission.
We therefore need to be satisfied that a mitigation project delivered by a third-party will remain effective in perpetuity and that an applicant/developer has secured, or is capable of securing, the necessary credits before planning permission is granted.
We recommend that all third-party nutrient mitigation providers, within any of the catchments in Dorset Council area must enter a planning obligation with the council. During this process we will consider the suitability of the project to mitigate, the process for selling and tracking credits, and ongoing maintenance of the project to ensure that it remains effective in perpetuity. We will consider other arrangements for mitigation providers located outside Dorset Council area.
As part of the process of drawing up the planning obligation, third-party mitigation providers must seek and receive confirmation through Natural England’s Discretionary Advice Service that their mitigation project will be suitable and effective in perpetuity (a copy of the discretionary advice will be appended to the planning obligation).
We encourage mitigation providers to apply a similar approach and process to the sale of their credits as the council. We will maintain a record of the sale and availability of the credits relating to our own mitigation projects. Third party mitigation providers must maintain similar records and share details with the council on a regular basis and upon request.
Advice for applicants submitting a planning application which relies on mitigation credits from a third party
Applicants should outline in their nutrient neutrality statement how the impacts from their development will be mitigated. Whilst we would encourage third-party mitigation providers to follow a similar approach and process to the sale of credits, we cannot insist upon this (individual providers may also apply their own prioritisation policies for the sale of credits) but we will not enter into planning obligations or other agreements with mitigation providers unless certain terms have been satisfied (as outlined above).
Where available, we would encourage applicants to seek a provisional nutrient credit certificate from the third-party provider for submission with their planning application. In all instances we will need to be satisfied that the method for mitigating nutrients is achievable in practice before granting planning permission.
Securing mitigation credits from a Natural England mitigation project
There is currently one Natural England mitigation project within the Poole Harbour catchment. There are full details on applying for mitigation credits from this project on Natural England’s web site. The process for applying and securing credits is similar to the council's approach. Any queries relating to Natural England’s sale of credits should be directed to:
Developer lead mitigation
If you intend to deliver nutrient mitigation for your development on the same site, or on other land in your control, you must discuss the suitability and effectiveness of your proposals with Natural England through their Discretionary Advice Service. Natural England’s advice should be appended to the nutrient neutrality statement that is submitted with your planning application.
You should provide details of how the mitigation will be secured and maintained in perpetuity. We are likely to require you to enter a planning obligation to secure the delivery of the mitigation project. Where delivering your own mitigation, you must draft terms of the planning obligation for submission with your planning obligation so that we can start to give it consideration early in the planning application assessment process.