All local authorities have a legal obligation to identify sites to meet the current and future needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.

All the Dorset councils have agreed to produce a county wide Gypsy and Traveller (including Travelling Showpeople) Site Allocations Joint Development Plan Document (DPD). The aim of the DPD is to allocate appropriate permanent and transit sites for gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople within Dorset for the next 15 years. The DPD is being put together on behalf of all the councils by consultants Bakers Associates. The current timetable set out in the project plan predicts that it will take between two and three years for it to be adopted.

The first stage in the preparation of the joint DPD, is the issues and options document and the district and borough site options summaries.

Gypsy & Traveller DPD - Further Information

Minutes of Cabinet meeting on 3 October 2011 where the Gypsy and Traveller DPD Consultation was considered.

Please contact the Planning Policy Department if you have any questions or require any help.

Planning Policy - North Dorset area

Tel: 01258 484201
Full contact details