1. In return for being allowed to use the Nature Recovery Dorset logo (“the Logo”), you agree to:
    1. comply at all times with the brand guidelines issued by Dorset Council 
    2. only use the logo in relation to actions you have stated n your application where you are taking to help nature recovery   
    3. if requested by Dorset Council, submit samples of promotional or publicity material which include the Logo to Dorset Council or its authorised representatives;  
    4. inform Dorset Council promptly of any wrongful use of the Logo which comes to your attention;  
    5. not use any trademarks which could potentially damage the reputation or distinctiveness of the Logo without Dorset Council’s consent.  
    6. not (at any time) seek to register the Logo, nor adopt, or use any similar colour, shape, form or logo to the Logo nor seek to register a trade mark confusingly similar to the Logo nor acquire any claim, right, title or interest in any part of the Logo. 
  2. Displaying of the logo does not give permission to anyone to access a site/land/building. The Countryside Code should be followed at all times and any access to land requires landowner permission unless it is on a Right of Way.   
  3. Dorset Council may suspend or end the Nature Recovery Dorset network at any time without liability to you.  
  4. Dorset Council may stop providing free resources as part of the Nature Recovery Dorset network at any time.  
  5. All intellectual property rights (including copyright, design rights and trade marks) and all goodwill in the Logo existing anywhere in the world (whether registered or not) remain with Dorset Council and it’s representatives at all times. You will not acquire any rights or goodwill relating to the Logo other than as set out in these terms. 
  6. Failure to comply with any of these terms will result in an immediate end to your right to use the Logo. 
  7. When your right to use the Logo ends, you should immediately remove the Logo from all marketing material and confirm to Dorset Council in writing that you have done so. 
  8. While it is hoped that your activities will result in an increase in biodiversity, Dorset Council makes no representations as to whether any increase in biodiversity will actually be seen.  
  9. These terms (and any dispute arising in connection with your use of the Logo) will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any such disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.