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Strengthen the structures and mandate for our operational and facilitation programmes, including integrating decision-making across structures (e.g., with the Highways Asset Risk and Programme Board).
Develop and embed impact and appraisal tools for use in key projects, programmes and strategies
Embed climate, nature and resilience in our key corporate and place strategies & plans (such as our new Local Plan, Local Transport Plan, asset management approach, housing strategy etc.)
Lobby and work with government, regulators and other key stakeholders through engagement, consultations and forums on barriers, powers, resourcing, enforcement and national ambition (e.g., on offshore wind, grid infrastructure, public transport, gigabit broadband etc.)
Enable revenue and capital resource for delivery – including through core resourcing, our capital programme, invest-to save, relevant developer contributions, external grant funding, inclusion in investment prospectuses, revenue generation, catalysing private finance and crowdfunding, and encouraging the uptake of funding by other local stakeholders.
Further embed climate, nature and resilience in our commissioning and procurement processes to cut the footprint of suppliers and encourage our purchase of more sustainable goods and services (e.g., energy efficient equipment, or sustainable food produce and equipment through catering services and contracts)
Develop and support local external relationships and partnerships to build support, collaborate and influence local stakeholders (e.g., our Local Nature Partnership, Local Enterprise Partnership, Western Gateway STB, Dorset Coast Forum, Dorset Catchment Partnerships, our Urban Heath Partnership, utilities, regulators and enforcement agencies).
Support our Town and Parish Councils and help to encourage and facilitate community-led action
Develop and deliver external-facing communications, engagement, consultation, and promotional campaigns for each mission, in order to share accessible information and guidance, toolkits, and best practice case studies for our residents, Town & Parish Councils, schools, businesses and land managers.
Improve the awareness, engagement and knowledge of our members, employees and service providers through campaigns, briefings, training and green champions
Strengthen our data collection, monitoring and reporting to better capture the Council and County footprint and our progress for climate, nature and resilience; and enable key strategic research on our baseline, scenario modelling, risk areas, pressures, or opportunities (including mapping).
Identify and implement further opportunities on the Council estate (including employment land and premises like Dorset Innovation Park) for small- and large-scale renewable deployment and flexibility measures to meet council demand
1.1. Renewable Generation: Expand renewables on our estate
Identify and implement further opportunities on the Council estate (including employment land & premises like Dorset Innovation Park) for heat decarbonisation or trialing
2.1. Heat: Decarbonise heating on our estate
Identify and implement further opportunities on the Council estate (including employment land and premises like Dorset Innovation Park) for heat and water efficiency and demand-reduction measures (including expanding centralised Energy Management Systems and reviewing operational controls on energy using equipment).
3.1. Energy & Water Efficiency: Identify and implement opportunities on our estate.
Further improve the energy efficiency of streetlighting, bollards and signals through technology and management
3.2. Energy & Water Efficiency: Further invest in energy efficient upgrades for streetlighting, bollards and signals
Establish a policy to ensure all new buildings that Dorset Council has direct influence over are zero-carbon (i.e., a negative BER)
5.1. Development: Encourage net zero new builds
Promote the use of digital technology within the Dorset Council workplace to reduce the need to travel and implement a new council travel plan to reduce the impact of staff commuting and business travel.
4.2. Transport: Enable modal shift and cut the need to travel for personal, commuting, business and logistics journeys
Develop schemes and signposting on support for Council employees.
2.3. Heat: Extend our retrofit advice & support offer
3.3. Energy & Water Efficiency: Promote, deliver and enforce energy and water efficiency measures and behaviours.
4.1. Transport: Accelerate electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment
Identify and implement opportunities for EV charging infrastructure on the Council estate and investigate alternative fuel options.
4.1. Transport: Accelerate electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment
Continue our fleet replacement programme by introducing further electric and alternative-fueled vehicles and optimise routes.
4.1. Transport: Accelerate electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment
Upskill Dorset Highways employees, utilising government capacity funding and participation in centres of excellence development programmes.
4.1. Transport: Accelerate electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment
Use innovative low energy road surfacing materials and processes.
5.2. Development: Promote sustainable materials use & waste management
Become a low waste council and move towards a more circular economy by reviewing our waste reduction policies, minimising single use products, cutting food waste, reuse and refurbishment of all furniture and IT equipment, and promoting reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recycling of products within the organisation (e.g., through policy, communications and procurement).
6.1. Waste: Become a low waste Council by 2040
Understand the baseline impacts from the council’s use of IT and develop a plan to reduce them, including remanufacture, reuse and refurbishment options.
3.1. Energy & Water Efficiency: Identify and implement opportunities on our estate
Develop and deliver a strategic approach for the design, delivery and monitoring for species and pollution mitigation (e.g., nitrates and heathland), Biodiversity Net Gain, carbon sequestration and public greenspace - including for effective use of developer contributions.
8.1. Nature: Create and embed a Local Nature Recovery Strategy
8.2. Nature: Take action on own estate
Identify and deliver opportunities on our own land to enhance ecosystem functioning, boost biodiversity and nature-based solutions for climate and resilience, reduce our use of chemical inputs, and ensure appropriate storage of hazardous materials.
8.2. Nature: Take action on own estate
Enhance ecosystem functioning on our Council Farm estate by working with tenants to encourage more low carbon and nature-positive land and water management (e.g., by reducing fertiliser use).
7.1. Food: Transition our County Farms estate to low-emission and nature-positive food production
8.2. Nature: Take action on own estate
Enhance the design and management of highways and green spaces for climate, biodiversity net gain and resilience (e.g., by expanding cut & collect or reviewing chemical use and electrifying equipment).
8.2. Nature: Take action on own estate
Further decarbonise the Dorset Council pension scheme
Assess the Council's vulnerability to climate change
9.1. Resilience: Assess our vulnerability
Mainstream climate risks in our risk-management, decision-making, wider policy and business continuity arrangement.
9.2. Resilience: Mainstream
Seek resource to continue the Low Carbon Dorset programme to promote and bolster advice on deployment in Dorset.
1.3. Renewable Generation: Extend Low Carbon Dorset
2.3. Heat: Extend our retrofit advice & support offer
Encourage and enable community-led deployment.
1.3. Renewable Generation: Extend Low Carbon Dorset
Create a Local Area Energy Plan with key partners..
1.4. Renewable Generation: Influence strategic energy planning for a locally efficient and responsive grid.
Research opportunities for large-scale installation of low carbon heating and hydrogen generation and seek opportunities to pilot and test deployment (e.g., in social housing).
2.2. Heat: Identify opportunities in wider Dorset.
Further assist residents to decarbonise heating and improve energy efficiency through the Healthy Homes Dorset Scheme and targeted communications campaigns.
2.3. Heat: Extend our retrofit advice & support offer
3.3. Energy & Water Efficiency: Promote, deliver and enforce energy and water efficiency measures and behaviours
Enforce minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rental sector (with a focus on EPC certificates E & F without exemptions).
3.3. Energy & Water Efficiency: Promote, deliver and enforce energy and water efficiency measures and behaviours.
Work in partnership (e.g., with Registered Social Landlords or schools) to develop, deliver, trial and pilot generation, efficiency improvements, and innovative low carbon techniques (e.g., off-site manufacturing) for Dorset’s buildings – including hard-to-treat properties (e.g., those in conservation areas and listed buildings).
3.3. Energy & Water Efficiency: Promote, deliver and enforce energy and water efficiency measures and behaviours.
2.2. Heat: Identify opportunities in wider Dorset
Liaise with water companies to identify and eliminate water leaks on our estate and in Dorset.
3.3. Energy & Water Efficiency: Promote, deliver and enforce energy and water efficiency measures and behaviours
Prepare a new vision-led (decide and provide) joint Local Transport Plan (including a local 2050 net zero transport pathway) and supporting strategies, aligned with the Local Plan and regional priorities.
4.3. Transport: Embed infrastructure provision and modal shift in policy and strategy.
Improve the user experience by investing in active travel, public transport, shared mobility and integrated multi-modal services.
4.2. Transport: Enable modal shift and cut the need to travel for personal, commuting, business and logistics journeys.
Deliver campaigns and public health initiatives that engage, support, and influence to increase active travel, reduce the need to travel, and achieve other sustainable outcomes.
4.2. Transport: Enable modal shift and cut the need to travel for personal, commuting, business and logistics journeys
Embrace digital alternatives to travel and future mobility solutions that provide clear information across a range of travel modes and promote use of the most sustainable travel options.
4.2. Transport: Enable modal shift and cut the need to travel for personal, commuting, business and logistics journeys.
Continue to support greater deployment and strengthening of high-speed broadband/ ICT infrastructure in Dorset.
4.2. Transport: Enable modal shift and cut the need to travel for personal, commuting, business and logistics journeys
Deliver accelerated public EV charge-point deployment to create an accessible network across all of Dorset through the LEVI pilot and private sector investment, and seek funding to further expand EV and alternative fuel infrastructure
4.1. Transport: Accelerate electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment
Explore means of encouraging ULEVs through licensing.
4.1. Transport: Accelerate electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment
Ensure our rights of way network is promoted and maintained to a high standard and increase the provision of off-road routes.
4.2. Transport: Enable modal shift and cut the need to travel for personal, commuting, business and logistics journeys
Support local implementation of evolving regulations and standards for new low carbon technology – making Dorset a safe place to take advantage of green tech and giving public assurance around standards and safety.
1.2. Renewable Generation: Enable wider deployment.
2.3. Heat: Extend our retrofit advice & support offer
4.1. Transport: Accelerate electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment
Undertake research and mapping to enable planning policy in support of this strategy (e.g., on suitable renewables deployment sites, grid constraints, heat mapping, flood and erosion risks etc.)
1.2. Renewable Generation: Enable wider deployment through planning.
2.4. Heat: Enable deployment for new builds through planning.
4.3. Transport: Embed infrastructure provision and modal shift in policy and strategy.
5.1. Development: Encourage net zero new builds.
5.2. Development: Promote sustainable materials use & waste management.
5.3. Development: Protect and enhance our ecological network.
5.4. Development: Minimise climate risks.
Create a new Local Plan that ensures high standards of design, siting and construction of developments and effectively supports this strategy (including identifying renewable deployment sites and integrating with the Local Transport Plan on sustainable travel).
1.2. Renewable Generation: Enable wider deployment through planning.
2.4. Heat: Enable deployment for new builds through planning.
4.3. Transport: Embed infrastructure provision and modal shift in policy and strategy.
5.1. Development: Encourage net zero new builds.
5.2. Development: Promote sustainable materials use & waste management.
5.3. Development: Protect and enhance our ecological network.
5.4. Development: Minimise climate risks.
7.3. Food: Identify and implement opportunities to support more community growing.
8.1. Nature: Create and embed a Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
9.2. Resilience: Mainstream adaptation in our decision-making, wider policy and business continuity arrangements
Create and adopt planning guidance, tools, codes, and training to further support this strategy (e.g., on net zero homes standards, sustainable construction and materials use, walking and cycling, parking standards, ULEVs, travel plans, conservation-sensitive measures or sustainable drainage systems (SUDs.)
1.2. Renewable Generation: Enable wider deployment through planning.
2.4. Heat: Enable deployment for new builds through planning.
4.3. Transport: Embed infrastructure provision and modal shift in policy and strategy.
5.1. Development: Encourage net zero new builds.
5.2. Development: Promote sustainable materials use & waste management.
5.3. Development: Protect and enhance our ecological network.
5.4. Development: Minimise climate risks.
8.1. Nature: Create and embed a Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
9.2. Resilience: Mainstream adaptation in our decision-making, wider policy and business continuity.
Investigate and trial tools or methods on embodied carbon and whole-life costing.
5.1. Development: Encourage net zero new builds.
Ensure that applications fully consider climate, nature and resilience, and that there is effective internal consultation for their evaluation (e.g., with sustainability, waste and green infrastructure teams).
5.1. Development: Encourage net zero new builds.
5.2. Development: Promote sustainable materials use & waste management.
5.3. Development: Protect and enhance our ecological network.
5.4. Minimise climate risks
Revise and deliver the Dorset Municipal Waste Management Strategy to align to the Environment Act, and detail how we will continue to minimise waste, maximise recycling and embed a circular economy within Dorset (through policy, infrastructure, contractual and service requirements).
6.2. Waste: Manage Dorset’s waste at the highest feasible level of the waste hierarchy.
6.3. Waste: Transition towards a circular Dorset.
Deliver education/awareness projects and campaigns to encourage residents, businesses and schools to reduce, reuse and recycle waste and litter (e.g., on reusable nappies, composting, food waste, littering, and ‘right stuff in the right bin’).
6.2. Waste: Manage Dorset’s waste at the highest feasible level of the waste hierarchy.
7.4. Food: Support sustainable diets and the cutting of food waste
Support sourcing of local, nature positive, low carbon food produce by enabling community growing (e.g., orchards and allotments) and encouraging and enabling the retail of local produce.
7.3. Food: Identify and implement opportunities to support more community growing.
7.4. Food: Support sustainable diets and the cutting of food waste.
Promote nature-positive, low carbon farming, land and water management (e.g., by encouraging agri-environment scheme uptake, clustering, whole-farm advice, and facilitating private green finance opportunities).
7.2. Food: Facilitate low-emission and nature-positive agri-fisheries practices in Dorset.
8.3. Nature: Enable wider delivery
Promote positive ecosystem-based fisheries management and sustainable aquiculture.
7.2. Food: Facilitate low-emission and nature-positive agri-fisheries practices in Dorset.
8.3. Nature: Enable wider delivery
Develop a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Dorset.
8.1. Nature: Create and embed a Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
Explore the potential for commercial carbon sequestration.
8.3. Nature: Enable wider delivery
Promote and create opportunities for nature-based health & wellbeing activities, including with Children's and Adult's Services.
8.3. Nature: Enable wider delivery
Engage and work with the Environment Agency, Police and other regulatory enforcement bodies to tackle pollutant risks and waste crime.
8.3. Nature: Enable wider delivery
Develop and implement an Air Quality Strategy for Dorse
8.3. Nature: Enable wider delivery
Assess Dorset’s vulnerability to climate change.
8.3. Nature: Enable wider delivery
Develop a partnership approach for Dorset-wide adaptation, linking with relevant structures and partners (like our Risk Management Authorities and Local Resilience Forum), and aligning with existing local flood and shoreline management approaches.
9.1. Resilience: Develop a partnership approach
Work with partners to support the provision of local green education and skills training
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Promote Dorset's green economy and work with partners to attract investment, including developing Dorset Innovation Park as a centre of excellence and making Dorset a low-carbon tourism destination.
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The full strategy can be found on the Council website Natural Environment, Climate and Ecology Strategy 2023 to 25 Refresh