You need a licence to hold a motor vehicle trial on Public Rights of Way (footpaths or bridleways).

Apply for a licence

Applications must be submitted at a minimum of 15 weeks before the event.

Conditions of application

You should read these conditions before applying:

  1. Applicants must obtain consent in writing to the use of any length of footpath or bridleway for the purposes of the trial from the owner and occupier of land over which that length of footpath or Bridleway runs
  2. If an event crosses a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest, additional written consent will be required from Natural England
  3. Applicants must provide a current and appropriate risk assessment for the event
  4. It is Dorset Council's standard practice, in the interests of safety, to require a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) on all highways (including public rights of way) affected by the event
  5. Notices must be posted ten days prior to the event at every point on the footpaths and bridleways where the trial route enters or leaves them
  6. Marshals must be posted at all points where the trial route coincides with or crosses a footpath or bridleway. Marshals will carry copies of the TTRO and section 33 consent in case of a challenge by the public trying to use the rights of way
  7. The footpaths and Bridleways must be restored to the condition in which they were in at the start of the trials within fourteen days

You can also enquire about events on the highway.