This report is one of a series of topic based reports which together constitute the Christchurch and East Dorset Authorities' Monitoring Report.

These reports will be regularly updated. The date that the information was last updated is indicated alongside each table/section as appropriate. Further topic areas can be viewed in the Christchurch and East Dorset Authorities' Monitoring Report.

Delivery of transport strategy and prime transport corridors - Policy KS9

Delivery of transport strategy and prime transport corridors - Policy KS9
Project Current position

A35 Iford Bridge - Fountains roundabout - Stony Lane roundabout - Somerford roundabout - Roeshot Hill - Hampshire boundary.

The Roeshot Hill Urban Extension (Policy CN1) will contribute to the improvement at Stony Lane Roundabout as secured through legal agreement. Works have been secured through the Roeshot Hill (Policy CN1) development to improve cycle access over the bridge at Somerford Roundabout.

As of April 2019 responsibility for improvements along this corridor will be transferred to the BCP Highways Authority.

In addition to Roeshot Hill, other developments will assess impact on A35 and make contributions as appropriate.

The update to the South East Dorset Multi Modal Transport Study (progressing in 2019) will inform updated schemes for the A35 considered as part of the Local Plan review.

Work will be ongoing regarding delivery improvements along this corridor.

B3073 Christchurch town centre - Bargates - Fairmile - Blackwater Interchange. (A338 junction)

DCC are working with Bournemouth BC on improvements to the Blackwater junction through Growth Deal 1 funding.

Blackwater Junction / A338 Widening:

Works are completed on the Eastern junction. Works have commenced on the auxiliary lane and A338 widening and are scheduled for completion in June 2019. Work is progressing on the western junction with construction scheduled to commence in the spring of 2019 with planned completion by December 2019.

B3073 Wimborne town centre - Longham mini roundabouts - Parley Cross - Chapel Gate - Hurn roundabout - Blackwater Interchange. (A338 junction).

Longham Minis improvements funded through Growth Deal 1 & programmed for delivery from 2019. DCC has submitted a National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF) bid to fund the cycleway scheme on the B3073.

Improvements to Parley Cross include the Western and eastern link roads and Parley Crossroads improvement. Delivery of the eastern link road is currently being secured through the planning application for this site. A planning application is anticipated in Q1 2019 for the west of new road which will secure the delivery of the western link road.

Planning permission has been granted for the Hurn Roundabout improvement but scheme currently on hold.

Chapel Gate Roundabout improvements have been completed in May 2018.

Updates for Blackwater Junction are as set out for the scheme above. 

B3073 Wimborne town centre - Wimborne Road West and East - Ferndown

Scheme for walking/cycling & junction improvements part funded through developer contributions from development at Ferndown Industrial estate. Preliminary design work at the moment. DCC are continuing with design work on this scheme. 

B3072 Ferndown - West Moors - Three Legged Cross - Verwood.

Verwood developer contributions used for walking/cycling improvements - mostly complete. Includes Station Road/Pinehurst Road junction improvement which has been completed. DCC are continuing with design work on this scheme. 

A348 Bournemouth boundary - Longham mini roundabouts - Ferndown.

Longham Minis funded through Growth Deal 1.Preliminary designs are currently underway and is programmed for delivery from 2019. Improvements to walking / cycling links along A348. . There has been no further work on the Longham Minis scheme to date.

A transport study is looking at the A348 Ringwood corridor and is being progressed through 2019. This work along with the update to the South East Dorset Multi Modal Study (also being progressed in 2019) will identify improvements to this corridor.

The East Dorset Local Plan Review is considering potential allocations in West Parley / Longham and there is potential for developer contributions. 

A347 Bournemouth boundary - Parley Cross - A348 junction.

Part of Growth Deal 3 bid. DCC is working with EDDC and the developers on junction improvements at Parley Cross to improve through-flow of traffic and cycle/pedestrian links.

Improvements to Parley Cross include the Western and eastern link roads and Parley Crossroads improvement. Delivery of the eastern link road is currently being secured through the planning application for this site. Outline application for the East of New Road is anticipated for determination in Q1 2019. Construction of the eastern link road is anticipated in 2020/21.

A planning application is anticipated in Q1 2019 for the west of new road which will secure the delivery of the western link road. Construction of the western link road is anticipated in 2020/21. DCC have been progressing design work for the western link as part of preparation of the planning application for this allocation.

Implementation of the scheme for the Parley Cross Roads junction is anticipated following delivery of the eastern and western link roads but has not yet been scheduled. 

A337 Somerford roundabout - Highcliffe - Hampshire boundary.

DCC working with New Forest District Council on LP review which includes potential future development over the County boundary which could increase traffic flows on A337.

Developer contributions may be sought for improvements to Somerford Roundabout. Works have been secured through the Roeshot Hill (Policy CN1) development to improve cycle access over the bridge at Somerford Roundabout.

The South East Dorset Multi Modal Study 2019 update will re-examine improvements required on this corridor in relation to planned development.

As of April 2019 responsibility will be transferred to the BCP Council for this route. 

B3074 Poole boundary through Corfe Mullen.

Road safety improvements completed at Windgreen roundabout on B3074.This scheme has been completed with the Junction improvements at the Esso Garage in 2018. 

Table last updated January 2019

Delivery of strategic transport improvements - Policy KS10

Short term 2013 to 2017

Project Current Position

B3073 Hurn roundabout improvement.

Planning permission granted but the scheme has been delayed due to land ownership issues. In Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership programme but fully DCC funded. This scheme is currently on hold. 

A338 reconstruction from A31 junction - County boundary (joint scheme with Bournemouth Borough Council which will deliver the section from County Boundary - A3060 Cooper Dean).

Completed through Growth Deal 1

A338 widening from A338/B3073 Blackwater junction - County boundary (joint scheme with Bournemouth Borough Council which will deliver the section from County Boundary - A3060 Cooper Dean).

Linked to Wessex Fields development which gained Growth Deal 2 funding. Scheme includes improved access to Bournemouth Hospital. Bournemouth BC working with DCC to deliver Blackwater Junction improvements through to completion in 2019.

Blackwater Junction / A338 Widening:

Works are completed on the Eastern junction. Works have commenced on the auxiliary lane and A338 widening and are scheduled for completion in June 2019. Work is progressing on the western junction with construction scheduled to commence in the spring of 2019 with planned completion by December 2019.

Medium Term 2018 - 2022

Project Current Position

A35 Fountains roundabout, Stony Lane roundabout, Staple Cross , and potentially

Somerford roundabout improvements.

Awaiting developer contributions & working with developers to assess impacts on junctions & design solutions accordingly.

The Roeshot Hill Urban Extension (Policy CN1) will contribute to the improvement at Stony Lane Roundabout as secured through legal agreement. As of April 2019 responsibility for improvements along this corridor will be transferred to the BCP Highways Authority. Work is ongoing regarding delivery improvements along this corridor.

In addition to Roeshot Hill, other developments will assess impact on A35 and make contributions as appropriate.

The update to the South East Dorset Multi Modal Transport Study (progressing in 2019) will inform updated schemes for the A35 considered as part of the Local Plan review.

B3073 Parley Cross junction improvements and associated development link roads.

Part of Growth Deal 3 bid. DCC and EDDC in discussions with the developers.

Improvements to Parley Cross include the Western and eastern link roads and Parley Crossroads improvement. Delivery of the eastern link road is currently being secured through the planning application for this site. Outline application for the East of New Road is anticipated for determination in Q1 2019. Construction of the eastern link road is anticipated in 2020/21.

A planning application is anticipated in Q1 2019 for the west of new road which will secure the delivery of the western link road. Construction of the western link road is anticipated in 2020/21. DCC have been progressing design work for the western link as part of preparation of the planning application for this allocation.

Implementation of the scheme for the Parley Cross Roads junction is anticipated following delivery of the eastern and western link roads but has not yet been scheduled.

B3073 Blackwater junction improvements.

Growth Deal 1 funded and part of Bournemouth International Growth Programme. 

Blackwater Junction / A338 Widening. :

Works are completed on the Eastern junction, works well advanced for the auxiliary lane with anticipated completion in June 2019. Works have commenced on the auxiliary lane and A338 widening and are scheduled for completion in June 2019. Work is progressing on the western junction with construction scheduled to commence in the spring of 2019 with planned completion by December 2019.

B3073 Chapel Gate junction improvements

Growth Deal 1 funded and part of Bournemouth International Growth Programme. Chapel Gate Roundabout improvements have been completed in May 2018. 

A31 (T) Merley roundabout improvements (Highways Agency Scheme).

Some works were completed as part of Olympic improvements to A31 in 2011, but further improvements not currently included in Highways England programme (Road Infrastructure Strategy). Continuing to work with Highways England to include in future RIS. 

Long Term 2023 - 2028

Project Current Position

B3073 widening between Chapel Gate to Blackwater junctions.

Localised widening, not dualling along entire length of carriageway due to financial constraints

A31 (T) dualling between Merley - Ameysford roundabouts (Highways Agency scheme).

A long-term Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership aspiration, but not currently on Highways England programmes (Road Infrastructure Strategy). Continuing to work with Highways England to include in future RIS. Improvements to the A31 will also be reviewed through the preparation of the updated South East Dorset Multi Modal Transport Study in 2019.

Table last updated January 2019

Planning Policy - East Dorset area

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