Minutes of Meeting 


Core Membership

Name  Agency 
Cllr Graham Carr-Jones Dorset Council (Chair)
Temporary Chief Superintendent Richard Bell Dorset Police
Louise Harris Smith NHS Dorset
Joe Ennis Probation Service 
Cllr Peter Barrow  Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority 


Name Agency 
Lewis Gool Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Charlie Pack Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service 
David Webb Youth Offending Service 


Name Agency 
John Newcombe Dorset Council (Community Safety, Place)
Graham Duggan Dorset Council (Place Services)
Andy Frost  Dorset Council (Community Safety, Adults and Housing)
Ian Grant Dorset Council (Community Safety, Adults and Housing)
Diane Evans Dorset Council (Community Safety, Adults and Housing)
Emma Pleece Dorset Council (Children's Services)
Lisa Reid Dorset Council (Children's Services)
Paul Dempsey  Dorset Council (Children's Services)
Dean O'Connor Dorset Police


  • Cllr Molly Rennie (Dorset Domestic Abuse Forum)
  • Andrea Breen (Dorset Council)
  • Debbie Simmons (NHS Dorset)
  • Stewart Dipple (Dorset Police)
  • Andrew Billany (Dorset Council)


No 1. 

Update on Meeting Arrangements 

1.1 It was agreed to revert to quarterly Community Safety Partnership (CSP) meetings to enable partners to concentrate on taking forward activity in between meetings.

1.2 The Community Safety Partnership Chair / Vice Chair, and Chairs of the Priority Delivery Groups will continue to meet monthly to discuss any matters arising.

No 2. 

Minutes of Meeting held on 16 August and Matters Arising 

2.1 All actions completed and no matters arising.

No 3. 

Domestic Homicide Review (DHRs) - Update and Decisions 

3.1 Members of the group discussed work on Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs). 

3.2 Di Evans provided details of the number of notifications received by the Community Safety Partnership (CSP), how many had resulted in a review and the types of cases.

3.3 Di gave a detailed summary of several Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs), running through the challenges associated with conducting reviews including the complexity of some cases, clarifying the purpose of Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) and the function of other reviews / investigations, links with the coroner, the vagueness of statutory guidance and the fact reviews can take a long time to complete.

3.4 Di set out the work to tackle reoccurring lessons from Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs), advising that the Domestic Homicide Review Action Plan Review Group continue to meet to review progress on outstanding actions and explore overarching learning themes. Di informed the group that a new approach is being developed to learning to ensure it is coordinated and provides oversight of common themes. Di also noted this work will ensure future recommendations and the resulting action plans are more specific and targeted, with the aim to strengthen the impact we’re having and improve monitoring and accountability.

3.5 The Chair declared an interest in a current review and would not be taking part in any discussions or decisions regarding it.

3.6 Richard Bell advised the group that partners need to be mindful of any Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) where there is a live criminal investigation. It was confirmed that in those cases the Domestic Homicide Review is pended.

3.7 Richard also asked whether the delays to one of the current reviews was due to seeking legal advice, which Di confirmed it was.

3.8 Cllr Graham Carr-Jones asked for an update on the work to ensure effective working links with AAFDA. Di explained that she and Andy had met with AAFDA to discuss approaches and agree future working. The meeting was positive and Di would remain in contact with AAFDA.

3.9 Cllr Graham Carr-Jones requested an update on Government’s plans to review the Statutory Guidance for Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs). Andy confirmed we were still awaiting further news on the review but highlighted that is becoming a risk given the complexities and lack of clarity, particularly in relation to suicides. It was agreed to write to the Home Office and express the group’s concerns.

Action - Chair

3.10 Andy noted it was helpful for Di to give a detailed update on several Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) at today’s meeting given the complexity and work involved, and thanked Di for her work.


  • members of the Community Safety Partnership agreed the all the recommendations contained in the report.

No 4. 

Update on Strategic Priorities 

4.1 Andy introduced the item and explained progress against strategic priorities and setting out partners’ delivery planning work for the forthcoming year.

4.2 Andy confirmed that the Strategic Priority Delivery Group is leading work on Domestic Abuse, Stalking, and Sexual Offences.

4.3 When addressing the priorities Andy explained the group has regard to the following cross cutting issues: mental health, substance misuse, complex cases / multiple need, and violence against women and girls.

4.4 The Strategic Priority Delivery Group had further progressed work against partners’ strategic priorities. Andy gave a summary of the SARA planning for each priority and an update on key headlines from across the plans:

  • delivery planning is being undertaken over a longer period to allow partners to affect sustained change against long standing priorities
  • progress will also be measured over a longer time period
  • actions have been shaped around our current knowledge and understanding of issues
  • progress will be monitored, and changes made to actions and interventions accordingly
  • in all areas there remains a need to further develop our knowledge and understanding of issues to successfully tailor responses to them
  • a common theme across all priorities is to further develop our approach to early intervention, working with children and young people to avoid them becoming victims / perpetrators in the future

4.5 Andy explained the delivery plan would be updated and adapted as partners’ understanding of priorities and the response to them develops.

4.6 Cllr Graham Carr-Jones asked how the Community Safety Partnership could collectively influence the work around early intervention in education given its importance. Paul Dempsey highlighted the work he is leading on to develop a new priority for the ‘Children and Young Peoples Plan’ focusing on children and young people feeling safe (at home and in the community) and asked members of the Community Safety Partnership to support him in shaping that plan. David Webb also referenced the prevention interventions being considered by the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Community Safety Partnership (CSP) and stressed the importance of joining this up.

Action - All CSP Members

4.7 In terms of performance (Q2 2022/23 compared to Q2 2021/22), Andy explained there had been a marked reduction in Domestic Abuse Incidents and Domestic Abuse Crimes. Serious Sexual Offences had increased.

4.8 Richard Bell provided some additional data at the meeting; positive outcome rates for domestic abuse had increased and arrest rates in Dorset were positive.

4.9 Richard explained he remained concerned about serious sexual offences, with some local disparity across Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole  local authority areas. As a result, Richard informed the group that Dorset Police will be undertaking a deep dive into the data, with the aim of building our understanding of the issues. 

4.10 Dorset Council were still working to recruit an analyst and it was noted how important that resource was given the need to gain a greater understanding of local issues.

No 5. 

Update on Local Priorities 

5.1 John gave the group an update on the work undertaken and issues identified across the six Partnership Co-ordinating Group (PCG) Meetings that operate across Dorset. This included a summary of the key headlines across East Dorset, North Dorset, Purbeck, West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland, and Rural Crime.

5.2 John noted that the Local Priority Delivery Group had begun preparing overarching operational plans to tackle priorities using the SARA model and explained that SARA plans are already being used successfully to tackle local issues at an operational level.

5.3 Richard Bell advised the group that burglaries is an area of high interest given the current media coverage and announcements from the Home Office and the Royal College of Policing that Police will attend all dwelling burglaries. He explained the definition of dwelling burglaries, which includes both house and shed / garage thefts, and advised that in line with their deployment policy, Dorset Police attend all reports where it relates to burglary of a house.

5.4 Whilst house burglary has decreased since COVID-19, shed / garage theft had risen. Richard asked partners for support in raising awareness of precautions people can take to keep belongings in shed / garage safe. It was agreed the Community Safety Partnership would undertake some public messaging on social media.

Action - Ian Grant

5.5 In relation to Anti Social Behaviour, Cllr Graham Carr-Jones asked how effective verbal warnings are given they seem to be the most commonly used tool. John noted the ‘Community Consequence’s Scheme’, which they share with Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council, is really effective in dealing with Anti Social Behaviour, and includes an escalation process should tools and interventions not work i.e. use of warning letters and home visits.

5.6 Richard reported that whilst there were pockets of Anti Social Behaviour, the overall trend had been a decrease, even during the summer months where we’d typically see and expect higher levels. Richard noted the trends reflect the good work in addressing Anti Social Behaviour. He highlighted some themes around young people, but explained targeted work was in train to tackle this.

5.7 There was a discussion around fraud. Andy referenced the ‘friends against scams work’ which is an important strand to this work. Richard highlighted the risks around vulnerable people being exploited and requested this is a key theme so partners are on the front foot.

5.8 Lewis Gool noted that Fraud is part of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan and requested that John Newcombe links in with the office when pulling the Fraud SARA plan together.

Action - John Newcombe 

5.9 Cllr Graham Carr-Jones highlighted that the reported indicated a significant drop in the number of interactions with rough sleepers during July and asked for the reasons behind that. John sighted ‘Ops Luscombe’, which he reported being successful in supporting people into housing. John noted some areas of congregation; however, this was being addressed through some targeted support.

No 6. 

Forward Plan

6.1 Members of the Community Safety Partnership agreed the Forward Plan. 

No 7. 

Any Other Business

7.1 Cllr Graham Carr-Jones invited Cllr Peter Barrow to meet with him and Andy Frost to give an overview of the Community Safety Partnership.

Action - Andy Frost 

Future Meeting Dates

  • 10am, 21st December 2022
  • 10am, 15th March 2023