
Core Membership

Name Agency 
Cllr Graham Carr-Jones Dorset Council (Chair)
Temporary Chief Superintendent Richard Bell Dorset Police
Vanessa Read NHS Dorset
Toni Shepherd  Probation Services 



Name Agency
Adam Harrold Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Molly Rennie Chair of the Dorset Domestic Abuse Forum



Name Agency
John Newcombe Dorset Council (Community Safety, Place)
Graham Duggan Dorset Council (Place Services)
Andy Frost Dorset Council (Community Safety, Adults & Housing)
Ian Grant Dorset Council (Community Safety, Adults & Housing)
Diane Evans Dorset Council (Community Safety, Adults & Housing)
Supt. Dean O'Connor Dorset Police
Liz Plastow NHS Dorset
Andrew Billany  Dorset Council (Housing)
Emma Pleece Dorset Council (Children's Services)



  • Andrea Breen, Dorset Council
  • David Webb, Youth Offending Service

No 1

Welcome and Introductions

1.1 Cllr Carr-Jones welcomed everyone to the meeting.

No 2

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 28 June and Matters Arising 

2.1 John Newcombe confirmed that the Police no longer produce Community Tension Returns.


2.2 Richard Bell agreed to arrange for counter terrorism updates produced by the Police to be shared.

Action - Richard Bell

No 3

Progress Against Local Priorities 

3.1 John Newcombe provided the update and explained the difficulties in developing SARA plans due to the lack of analytical resource.


3.2 Work on the plans was progressing and they were currently with partners to add detail and populate. Emerging issues included engaging and diverting young people away from anti-social behaviour (ASB) and ASB related to mental health.

3.3 It was agreed to add ASB and mental health to the agenda of a future meeting so the issue could be explored in greater depth.

Action - Andy Frost

3.4 Members of the group agreed that to put effective solutions in place, it was important to fully understand the nature of issues. Dorset Council was hoping to increase its analytical capacity soon. However, it was important to understand the total analytical resource available across partner organisations and in addition the data they held that could help inform partners’ understanding of community safety issues.


3.5 It was agreed Andy Frost would lead a piece of work on this and report back to a future meeting. 

Action - Andy Frost 

No 4

Domestic Homicide Reviews 

4.4 Members of the group discussed work on Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs).  


4.5 Di Evans provided details of the number of notifications received by the CSP, how many had resulted in a review and the types of abuse.


4.6 Di ran through the challenges associated with conducting reviews including the complexity of some cases, clarifying the purpose of DHRs and the function of other reviews / investigations, the vagueness of statutory guidance and the fact reviews can take a long time to complete.


4.7 Overarching themes coming out of reviews included risk assessment and management; systems, structures and processes; professional judgement and curiosity and information sharing and communication.


4.8 Members of the CSP discussed the importance and value of having a clearly documented audit trail for particularly challenging cases.


4.9 They welcomed a more integrated approach to mapping and monitoring the impact of lessons learnt, not just from DHRs but from other similar reviews.

No 5

Community Safety Update

5.1 Item deferred to the next meeting.

Future Meeting Dates:

  • 11am, 16 August 2022
  • 10am, 15 September 2022 quarterly meeting
  • 3pm, 19 October 2022
  • 12pm, 16 November 2022
  • 10am, 21 December 2022 quarterly meeting
  • 10am, 18 January 2023
  • 10am, 15 February 2023
  • 10am, 15 March 2023 quarterly meeting