Minerals and waste planning applications are defined as:
- the winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral-working deposits
- waste development
The Dorset Council Natural Environment Team (DC NET) provide advice to the Planning Authority as a formal consultee on minerals and waste applications. Appropriate Ecology Report(s), including Environmental Statements for EIA development, are required prior to validation and in most cases related documents such as LEMPs or Restoration Plans will be required post-validation. DC NET review and provide comments on the ecological impact of the application, but do not provide formal certification of these documents
Pre-application advice can be sought from DC NET through the planning pre-application advice service.
Biodiversity Net Gain
The Environment Act (2021) has brought in the requirement for planning applications to deliver a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG), mineral and waste development is not exempt from this requirement. However, the February 2023 Government response to the consultation on BNG24 states that further guidance and policy will be provided at a later date, meaning that BNG for mineral and waste development should for now be discussed on a case-by-case basis with the Minerals Planning Authority and DC NET. We have produced a biodiversity net gain guidance note for applicants and agents summarising the background to BNG and how it should be delivered. This document will be updated regularly as further government guidance on BNG is produced.
For certain types of development such as new mineral extraction, it may be possible to achieve substantively higher than the national minimum, which will also benefit local communities through increased access to wildlife-rich greenspaces, and consequent improved outcomes for health and wellbeing.