Regardless of the number of stories a property has, all HMO's with five or more residents must possess a HMO licence from the local authority.

From the 1 April 2023, the council now charges £735 for the first 5 year licence and £609 to renew for a further 5 years. A 10% discount applies for landlords committing to the standards required by the Landlord Forum or one of the three main national landlord associations. Fees for these members are therefore reduced to £661.50 for a new licence and £546 for a renewal.

Guide to HMO licensing

Download the guide to HMO licensing.

Apply now

To apply, complete the HMO licence application form.

Licence summary

Licence summary
Eligibility criteria

Applications must be made to the local housing authority and your application is not complete until you have paid the relevant licence fee.
You must be a fit and proper person to hold the licence. 

Regulation summary A summary of regulations relating to this licence
Application evaluation process Licences will normally be granted if:
  • the house is or can be made suitable for multiple occupation
  • the applicant is a fit and proper person and the most appropriate person to hold the licence
  • the proposed manager has control of the house, and is a fit and proper person to be the manager
  • the management arrangements are satisfactory
Will your licence be granted automatically? No. It is in the public interest that the authority must process and assess your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from your local authority within 28 days, please contact them.
Failed application redress/Licence holder redress

If we do not grant your licence we will notify you.
If you disagree with any aspect of our decision, with conditions attached to the licence or any decision to vary or revoke a licence, then please contact your local authority in the first instance. 
You may also appeal to a First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) about these decisions

Any appeal must be made within 28 days of the decision being made.

Landlord associations

Landlord Forum 

Guild of Residential Landlords 

National Residential Landlords Association