5. Actions for positive, negative and unclear impacts

Adjustments that will be made to remove or reduce identified negative or unclear impacts, or provide justification for continuing with the proposal.

Action plan
Issue Action to be taken Person(s) responsible Date to be completed by

Do all options proposed contribute towards sustainable development? Are there other suitable alternatives?

Undertake public consultation and invite comments from the community, local businesses and key stakeholder.

Terry Sneller (Local Plan Team Leader)


No evidence has been gathered concerning the impact of policies or new development proposals on non-paid carers, sexual orientation, gender identity, black and minority ethnicity and single parent families.

Undertake further evidence gathering on the impact of development on non-paid carers, sexual orientation, gender identify, black and minority ethnicity and single parent families.

Terry Sneller (Local Plan Team Leader)


Do draft policies provide fair and equal treatment for Travellers?

Monitor the impact of draft policies on the gypsy and traveller community.

Steve Boyt (Senior Planning Officer)


The Local Plan uses a broad definition of disability and therefore does not consider specific disabilities.

Undertake further evidence gathering on the impacts of draft policies on specific disability groups.

Terry Sneller (Local Plan Team Leader)


The change of use of community facilities could result in negative impacts, such as the loss of places of worship.

It is recommended that specific EqIAs should be undertaken for planning applications where necessary.

Mike Garrity (Head of Planning), Anna Lee (Service Manager for Development Management) and individual planning officers.

As and when required.

Set out a programme for the preparation of new planning policy documents. Maintaining an up-to-date local development scheme to publicise the timetable for the local plan production. Terry Sneller (Local Plan Team Leader) On-going

Equality impact assessment sign-off

EqIA sign off
Role   Name  Date
Officer completing the EqIA Nick Cardnell 11 February 2021
 Equality lead Susan Ward-Rice 15 February 2021
Equality & Diversity Action Group Chair Pete Bartlett 15 February 2021