Businesses can apply for grants ranging from £5,000 to £40,000 to help cover up to half the total cost of a project. For example we would fund up to £15,000 of a £30,000 project. To be eligible, projects must be completed by 28 March 2025.
This round will focus on business productivity and will act as a pilot scheme ahead of the extension to the funding we will receive later in the year for the Shared Prosperity Fund.
Grants will be considered if they facilitate growth, promote innovation and increase productivity, together with the creation of high skilled, high waged jobs in Dorset businesses. Eligible activity could include, but is not limited to:
- investment in new production methods
- new machinery
- staff training programmes/up-skilling staff
- net zero innovation
Businesses who have received funding in previous rounds can apply again for this round of funding.
Before you apply
Before you apply we recommend reading the following documents:
Businesses must provide 100% match funding in cash and are required to contact our business support partner WSX enterprise prior to making an application. Following a discussion with WSX each business will be given a unique reference number which must be quoted in the application.
After you apply
This is a competitive grants process. Grant applications will be assessed by a panel made up of Dorset Council Officers and independent reviewers. The Grants Panel will meet at the end of the application window. Applicants will receive a decision within a week of this meeting.
These grants must be spent and finalised in this financial year (2024/2025), with projects completed, payments undertaken and return submissions completed by 28 March 2025.