
Our libraries are inclusive, vibrant and uplifting spaces that provide a variety of services for all, enriching lives through universal access to information, knowledge, learning, literacy and culture.

We aim to inspire more people to read, develop digital skills, gain knowledge and share their enjoyment of learning with others, developing transferable skills that will support them through life. There are many ways to access information, and our libraries provide free access to books and other reading materials, computers and digital technologies, events, and activities.

Residents will be supported in the pursuit of their goals, such as finding a job or supporting their business to grow.

Our libraries also have a role in supporting the council's response to the climate and ecological emergency. Inspiring and informing climate positive actions to help us become a carbon neutral council and county.

An image of school children sat around a table listening to a teacher.


Our libraries are already at the heart of our communities and we want them to stay that way, connecting with and meeting the needs of our communities now and in the future.

We believe that the library service is more than just a place to borrow books. It is a service which brings people together, it connects communities with each other, with relevant library offers (including free events and activities) and with other council and partner services.

Participation in library events and activities fosters culture and creativity and is proven to improve mental wellbeing and helps to reduce social isolation and feelings of loneliness.

Libraries are also a place where residents come to access trusted information and support from other council services, public sector partners and a range of other organisations.

We want to ensure that everyone is aware of the variety of services that the library offers, and that those services are accessible and meet customer needs.

An image of four older people sat around a table in a library, smiling and talking.


To inspire and connect our communities, libraries need to be fit-for-purpose and reflect the quality of services being delivered.

We will develop welcoming and inclusive library spaces that enable services and partners to work alongside us and deliver their services for the community in which they are based, including opportunities for our residents to connect with health and wellbeing opportunities.

Our future spaces need to be appropriate and welcoming with facilities, equipment and technologies which support a range of uses.

These can include:

  • study spaces
  • innovation spaces
  • flexible workspaces

An image of a smiling library worker behind a desk taking a library card from a customer. She is smiling and happy.