We have worked with Citizens Advice and Help and Kindness to put together a list of things you need to do before you leave the UK.

You can download the information on this page in Ukrainian.

Tell us that you are leaving the UK

Tell us that you and your family are leaving the country.

Send an email to ukraineresponse@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or call 01305 221000 to provide details of your travel dates and arrangements.

Stop benefit payments

Stop Child Benefit claim(s)

  • phone HMRC on: 0300 200 3100 to stop your Child Benefit claim
  • if you have already left the UK then use: +44 161 210 3086

If you cannot reach HMRC via phone then send a short letter to the Child Benefit office explaining that you are leaving the UK permanently. Include your name, former address and National Insurance number. Also include the names of your children and their dates of birth.

Postal address: HM Revenue and Customs — Child Benefit Office, PO Box 1 Newcastle upon Tyne, NE88 1AA, United Kingdom

Stop Universal Credit claim

  • write a message in your journal with the date you are due to leave the UK
  • in your Universal Credit dashboard click on “request to close your claim” and follow the steps to close your account
  • you can also phone the Universal Credit helpline on: 0800 328 5644
  • you can ask for an interpreter when you phone the helpline

Stop Pension Credit claim

  • phone the Pension Credit service on: 0800 99 1234 to inform them that you are no longer a UK resident. You can ask for an interpreter when you call.
  • you can also post a letter to the Pension Credit service at: The Pension Service 8, Post Handling Site B, Wolverhampton, WV99 1AN. Include your National Insurance number, name, and the date you are leaving/left the UK.

Stop Carers Allowance claim

  • phone the Carers Allowance general enquiries number: 0800 731 0297 and explain that you are leaving the country
  • you can also post a letter cancelling your Carers Allowance claim to: Carers, Allowance Unit, Mail Handling Site A, Wolverhampton, WV98 2AB. Include your National Insurance number, name, and the date you are leaving/left the UK.

Stop Personal Independence Payment claim

  • phone the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) helpline on: 0800 121 4433
  • you can also post a letter cancelling your PIP claim to: Personal Independence Payment, Post Handling Site B, Wolverhampton, WV99 1AH. Include your National Insurance number, name, and the date you are leaving/left the UK.



  • inform HMRC that you are leaving the country and will no longer be conducting business in the UK
  • HMRC phone number: 0300 200 3310
  • you can tell HMRC you’re leaving through your Self Assessment tax return. Complete the ‘resident’ section (form SA109) and send it by post. You cannot use HMRC’s online services to tell them you’re leaving the UK.


  • check the notice period in your contract and inform your employer of your resignation in advance. Acas has a template for writing a resignation letter.
  • make sure that you retain all your payslips
  • ask for a P45 from your employer
  • if you’ve already left the UK, fill in form P85 online. If you haven’t already left the UK, download and fill in form P85 offline.


Staying with a host family

If you are staying with a host family please tell them in advance that you intend to leave so that it doesn’t come as a surprise. Your host family will need to inform Dorset Council that you have left the property.

Renting privately

If you are renting privately then make sure you abide by the notice period in your lease and inform your landlord in good time of your intention to leave the property. If you leave before the end of the notice period you will still be liable for any outstanding rent. There may be a ‘break clause’ in the tenancy agreement which might mean you can end the tenancy early. You can find more information on the Citizens Advice website.


Gas and electric

Tell your gas and electric supplier that you are moving 48 hours before you move out. Report your final meter readings to your gas, electric and water suppliers on the day you move out. Provide a forwarding address for any final bills. You can find more information on moving home and dealing with your energy supplier on the Citizens Advice website.

Council Tax

Contact our revenue department to close your Council Tax account. Either send an email confirming your departure from the UK to: revenueservices@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or phone 01305 211970 to close your Council Tax account.


Inform your internet supplier that you are leaving. Check your contract to confirm whether there are any early exit fees.


  • inform your bank you have moved abroad and change your address in your account. It would be wise to do this after any refunds or overpayments have been dealt with by HMRC or the DWP to avoid transfer fees from Ukrainian bank accounts.
  • download all bank statements before account closure in case you need to provide proof of income to Ukrainian tax authorities
  • don’t forget to review your direct debits

Phone number

Make sure that when you change your phone number that you register this with any website or online account that requires 2-factor authentication. For example, your online bank account.

Postal address

If you want to have mail redirected to your Ukrainian address then you can use Royal Mail’s redirection service. You can apply for this service up to 6 months before you plan to leave. Royal Mail requires 5 working days’ notice to arrange redirection.


  • inform your GP that you are no longer living in the UK
  • inform your dentist that you are no longer living in the UK


If you no longer need your vehicle to be taxed and insured in the UK then you can call your insurance provider and claim money back if you paid in one lump sum.

ESOL Classes

Inform your teacher and course provider that you will no longer be attending classes.


Inform the school that your children will be leaving the country.