ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) courses in Dorset:

Skills & Learning

Online and in person classes in towns and villages across Dorset

Skills & learning info in Ukrainian

Call: 01202 123444 or email:

Weymouth College

Weymouth College's ESOL course

Yeovil College

Yeovil College's English course

Bournemouth & Poole College

Bournemouth & Poole College's English courses

Local community groups

Local community groups may also offer:

  • informal English learning
  • English conversation clubs
  • extra classes

For a local group in your area, please see:

Help and Kindness or email:

Free online English learning from GOV.UK

Learn to speak, read and write English

Open University (OU)

OU's free online resources

OU's free online resources in Ukrainian

Prometheus (Ukrainian)

English resources in Ukrainian


Free language courses