These Park Rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the Park, which will be of general benefit to occupiers, and to promote and maintain community cohesion. They form part of the Agreement by which homeowners occupy the pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended.

None of these rules is to have retrospective effect. Accordingly:

  • they are to apply only from the date on which they take effect, which is 23 December 2014 and
  • no occupier who is in occupation on that date will be treated as being in breach due to circumstances which were in existence on that date and which would not have been a breach of the rules in existence before that date

These rules also apply (for so long as they live on the Park) to the Park Owner and any employees.

In these rules "you" and "your" refer to all occupiers of a Park Home.

  1. No person under the age of 45 may reside at the Lookout Residential Park
  2. No more than two or two dogs (other than a dog of any breed subject to the Dangerous Dog Act 1991) are permitted at Lookout Residential Park. must be kept on leads at all times, must not be allowed to cause a nuisance and fouling must be cleared immediately and disposed of accordingly. You will only be permitted to bring a cat or dog to live with you on the Park or to replace one if the numbers in the home comply with this rule. Dogs are not permitted outside the area of the residential park at any time
  3. Vans or commercial vehicles, motor-homes, camper vans, caravans or tent trailers are not permitted to park anywhere on the Park including site car park or the parking area provided with the Home, with the exception of commercial vehicles owned and operated by John Romans Park Homes Ltd
  4. The Park speed limit is 8 mph and must be adhered to all times
  5. Ali carriageways must be kept clear of stationary
  6. In order to drive any vehicle on the Park you must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive that vehicle and ensure that it is taxed in accordance with the requirements of the law and is in a roadworthy condition
  7. Only minor personal vehicle repairs may be carried out on the Park
  8. Disused or unroadworthy vehicle must not be kept anywhere on the Park
  9. You must not use your Home, the pitch or the site (or any part of the site) for any business purposes and you must not use your Home or the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or last used for any business purpose. You are at liberty to work individually from you Home by carrying out any office work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at your Home on the Park
  10. The Home must not be hired or rented to paying guests
  11. It is your responsibility to keep your Home in a sound state of repair, maintain the exterior of the Home and the pitch including all fence and belonging to, or enjoyed with it in a clean and tidy condition. Where the exterior is repainted or recovered, reasonable endeavours must be used not to depart from the original exterior colour scheme
  12. Do not introduce BreiY1 objects into the sewage system such as toilet wipes, cleaning cloths, nappies, sanitary products, baby wipes, condoms or cooking fat/oil
  13. It is recommended that all gas appliances are serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered and the electrical supply inside your Home is tested every three years by a NICEIC approved Electrician. Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are also recommended and are your responsibility and must be tested/niced accordingly to the manufacturer's instructions
  14. Discharge of firearms, air rifles or any other weapon is not permitted anywhere on the Park
  15. You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows) on the Park and you may only keep them on the pitch or in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and they are securely stored in accordance with that licence
  16. Bonfires or any other End of external fire are not permitted anywhere on the Park
  17. Musical instruments, audio systems, power tools, motor vehicles or any other noise generating appliance must not cause a nuisance to any other occupier, visitor, or employee of John Romans Park Home Ltd particularly between the hours of 1 1.00pm — 7.00am
  18. Verbal and/or physical abuse towards any employee or sub contractor of John Romans Park Homes Ltd is not permitted in any circumstance.
  19. Access to vacant pitches is not permitted. Building materials and other plant must be left undisturbed
  20. You must not deposit any waste or rubbish other than in local authority approved containers on any part of the Park (including any individual pitch)
  21. Where water is not separately metered at the Home or not separately charged you must not use water sprinklers or hoses, except in case of fire
  22. You must only use fire point hoses in case of fire
  23. For reasons of ventilation and safety, the underneath of your Home must be kept clear and not used as a storage space
  24. Inflammable substances must not be kept on the Park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use. Explosive substances must not be kept on the Park