In response to reform of the planning system, we have produced Interim Position Statements.
These statements relate to a number of key issues and should provide a sound basis for negotiations on proposed development schemes.
Housing and Affordable Housing
The Interim Position Statement on Housing Provision and Housing Land Supply was adopted by Cabinet on 10 January 2011 and endorsed by Full Council on 28 January 2011.
The Councils emerging policy position on affordable housing is set out in Policy 8: Affordable Housing and can be viewed in the latest track changes version of the Local Plan.
Planning Obligations
Since 1998 we have sought financial contributions from developers towards the provision of certain items of community infrastructure in North Dorset using the Planning Guidance Note - Planning Obligations for the Provision of Community Infrastructure (PGN) as a basis for securing such contributions.
On 7 February 2011 Cabinet adopted the Interim Position Statement on the PGN, which establishes that we no longer use the PGN as a basis for seeking developer contributions towards the projects identified within the PGN.
On 19 December 2011 Cabinet approved a revised Supplementary Planning Guidance on Planning Obligations for the Provision of Community Infrastructure.
Supplementary Planning Guidance page provides guidance on the way in which funds will be allocated to infrastructure projects.
Planning Policy - North Dorset area
Email: 01258 484201
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