One of the primary objectives of the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme is to ensure that the Armed Forces community in Dorset can access the information, advice and assistance they need.

On this page you can access electronic versions of the Programmes Factsheets.

Factsheets will contain concise information and details of where to access advice on a variety of relevant subjects. Over the coming months we will be adding more factsheets to this page so please look out for them.

The Factsheets will also be available to view in a file in our Veterans and Families Information Points. The Information Points will also be able to provide paper copies.

You can request a paper copy by contacting us on 07557 939296 or emailing us at Factsheets in large print are also available on request.



Armed Forces Covenant Survey

To ensure that the Information Points provide information and help that meets the needs of our Armed Forces Community and on behalf of our partners Dorset Council are carrying out a Armed Forces Covenant Survey.

We want to get a clear picture of the thoughts and opinions of life in Dorset for our Armed Forces, your families and the county’s veteran population. This will ensure we are doing our best to adhere to our Covenant pledges to ensure the Armed Forces Community in Dorset are not put at disadvantage due to their service to our country.

The Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Survey  which will take just 5 minutes to complete, is completely anonymous and the information gathered will help the Programme deliver relevant and meaningful solutions to issues that are currently being faced by our Armed Forces Community.