If you are not sure which care leaver you are, this easy to use tool from Coram Voice can help. Here are some terms you may hear explained, if you are any of the following you are entitled to our Local Offer for Care leavers.

Relevant Care Leaver

You are: 

  • 16 or 17 years old 
  • you were an eligible care leaver, but you are no longer looked after by us

Former Relevant Care Leaver

You are: 

  • aged 18 to 21 years old 
  • you were (before you turned 18) an eligible or relevant care leaver 
  • you continue to be former relevant if you are aged 21 to 25, but not actively working with the care leaver service  

Qualifying (for advice and help only) Care Leaver

Found out about our qualifying care leaver offer for those who are: 

  • aged 16 to 21 years old 
  • have been in care at some point after turning 16 for less than 13 weeks since the age of 14 
  • have been privately fostered at any time after reaching the age of 16, but before reaching the age of 18 
  • have been in the care of the local authority immediately prior to becoming subject to a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) 

You have no care leaver status if: 

  • you were not in care on or after you turned 16
  • you were not looked after directly before a Special Guardianship Order was granted