The Community Infrastructure Levy will be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure that is needed as a result of new development.

CIL Monitoring

The individual S106 and CIL liability for each site across WDDC and WPBC are also detailed in the following reports.

 What will my CIL payment get spent on?

The District and Borough Council as separate charging authorities are the recipients of all CIL money initially. However, all CIL receipts are subject to two initial deductions, i.e. the neighbourhood proportion and a charge of 5% that will be retained by the councils for the administration of the levy.

The neighbourhood proportion of receipts will be transferred to town and parish councils on a regular basis. This proportion will be 15% for the town or parish where the development takes place, or 25% if that area has an adopted neighbourhood plan.

CIL money passed directly to town or parish councils must be used by them to support the development of the areas. After deductions, the remaining CIL money will accumulate over time and it will be the responsibility of the charging authorities to spend or transfer the money to an appropriate body.

The infrastructure themes that are to be funded through CIL, either in whole or in part, are identified in the Regulation 123 Lists. 

Regulation 123 Lists

The District and Borough Council have revised their respective Regulation 123 Lists so that they are more clearly in line with the intention that Section 106 planning obligations support infrastructure on strategic sites which are nil-rated from a CIL charge. The revisions also encompass up-to-date information about site-specific infrastructure requirements on strategic sites. The District and Borough Council consulted on these proposed amendments between 14 February and 14 March 2018. The revised Regulation 123 Lists were approved by Weymouth and Portland Management Committee and West Dorset Strategy Committee in April 2018.

The amended lists:

List of Regulation 123 List consultation responses:

To provide clarity in terms of how money collected through the levy will be spent on these themes, the councils have decided to apportion future CIL money using evidence of infrastructure costs from the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. The proportions and the rationale behind them have been discussed and agreed with the various infrastructure providers, most notably Dorset County Council (Education, Transport, Highways), and Natural England (Dorset Heathland/Poole Harbour Nutrient Mitigation) and the Environment Agency (Flooding).

It is worth noting that the council are a long way off holding appreciable CIL receipts as CIL is not payable until the commencement of development. As CIL money builds, governance arrangements will be put in place to support the allocation of CIL money for capital projects. 

To ensure that the levy is open and transparent the annual breakdown of CIL spending will be published in the CIL Monitoring Report in the future.

The level of apportionment is set out in the table below.

CIL Theme Apportionment WDDC CIL Apportionment WPBC CIL Apportionment
Culture & Leisure Facilities 17.5% 10%
Dorset Heathlands 5% n/a
Education & Training Facilities 30% 25%
Emergency Services 5% 2.5%
Flood Mitigation and Coast Protection 5% 40%
Green Infrastructure & Recreation 5% 5%
Healthcare 2.5% 5%
Poole Harbour Nutrient Management 5% n/a
Public Realm 2.5% 2.5%
Transport 15% 5%
Utilities 2.5% 2.5%
Waste Management 5% 2.5%