Apply to be on the Dorset Homechoice housing register

Apply to be added to the housing register for a home in Dorset. You might need help with this from your personal adviser.

Apply now

We want to make sure that you have a safe and suitable home. You will have been thinking about where you will live in the future with your Social Worker when you were under 18.

We know it can be very hard having your own place for the first time. Your Personal Adviser will help you to find suitable accommodation.

They can give you advice about:

  • holding down a tenancy 
  • how to avoid getting behind in your rent or Council Tax payments 
  • how to pay for your bills
  • how to budget 

We will support you to apply to the Dorset Housing Register so that you can bid on social housing properties via Home Choice. You can do this once you are ready to live independently.

We will help you to understand your tenancy or licence agreement and to claim benefits if you need to.

We want to work with you to help you move to a place that feels right. We will come and see you in your home to see how things are going. 

There are a wide range of home and housing entitlements you can access.

Your housing options might include: 

Staying put

This is when you and your foster carers agree that you will stay with them after the age of 18. You will continue to build your skills for when you are ready to live on your own.

Staying close

This is when we support you once you leave supported accommodation or residential care at the age of 18 and move into your own home. You can choose to continue to have support from someone who has been important to you. They may be from your residential home or supported accommodation. 

It is important that you decide what this support looks like for you. Talk to your Social Worker or Personal Adviser to find out more. 

 Find out more about the Staying Close offer.

Supported lodgings

This is when you rent a room in a house of a host, who will help you to build your skills for when you are ready to live on your own. Talk to your Social Worker or Personal Adviser to find out more.

Supported housing or semi-independent living

This is when you live in accommodation where there is extra help and support from staff. This extra help and support may vary. Talk to your Social Worker or Personal Adviser to find out more.

Social housing

This is when you apply to your local housing register for an independent home. Once registered, you can bid for a housing association or social housing home. You do this on the home choice register.

Privately rented accommodation

Finding a home you can afford to rent doesn't mean finding a council or housing association property. You could privately rent a home for yourself or a room in a shared house with others from a private landlord.

When renting any property there are things you will need to consider. The Zoopla rental property checklist gives you questions to ask and things to look out for.

Citizens Advice and Shelter offer free, independent youth advice and information on housing. They can help you understand your rights and options.

What if I am homeless?

If you need accommodation in an emergency, contact your Personal Adviser (or the Leaving Care Duty Personal Adviser). You can call them on 01305 225809 and they will help you to call Dorset Housing. You can also call Dorset Housing yourself on 01305 221000. 

Dorset Nightstop also provide emergency accommodation for homeless young people aged 16 to 25.  

Young people can stay in the home of a carefully recruited, fully checked and trained volunteer, supported by project staff. Accommodation is on a one night at a time basis, for a maximum of 3 nights.

We will work together with Housing to make sure that you have somewhere to stay in an emergency and which is safe and secure.

If you are living in emergency temporary accommodation your Personal Adviser will see you at least every 4 weeks. We will hold regular meetings to help you move on into a more stable home. 

Dorset Housing Advice Team offer advice and support around housing. You can email them at