Aims of the strategy

The proposed SANG will provide heathland mitigation as an additional and alternative recreation area for a residential site in Alderholt, rather than using the Dorset Heathlands. The overriding aim of this SANG creation and management will be to provide attractive and accessible natural green space for visitors, principally local dog walkers from Alderholt, to attract them away from visiting the Dorset Heathlands.           

It is proposed to set up and manage the SANG Woodland to provide and maintain the necessary infrastructure to make it suitable for and encourage its use by local dog walkers. 

Background to the proposal

The application seeks planning permission for 2.45 ha of land in Highwood, Alderholt to be used as Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and associated access to support residential development at The Hawthorns, a former horticultural nursery and bungalow in Ringwood Road (Planning Application reference 3/16/1446/OUT) allowed at appeal for the erection of up to 45 homes. 

The SANG site is located approximately 850m (as the crow flies) from the associated residential development. 

The threshold for requiring SANG is normally where there is a net gain of 50 houses. Under the outline planning permission 3/16/1446/OUT, where there is a net gain of 44 houses, it was anticipated that mitigating the potential cumulative effect of additional residential development on Dorset Heathlands would be funded by Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), paid by the Developer.

This is in accordance with local planning policy. However, with continued applications for sites outside the development boundary in Alderholt and no suitable heathland mitigation projects in the vicinity of Alderholt, an objection from Natural England has been received in response to a subsequent  Reserved Matter application at the site (reference 3/19/2077/RM  which seeks approval for "appearance", "landscaping", "layout" (including internal access road, parking and turning areas) and "scale")) regarding the cumulative impact on protected Dorset Heathlands. 

Therefore a suitable heathland infrastructure project (HIP) is required to support the development the Hawthorns site and application for a SANG as set out above has been made in response to this. 

The planning application for the SANG is still under consideration. While it has been confirmed under the Dorset Council Scheme of Delegation that the application will be determined under delegated powers, the officer recommendation for approval is subject to securing the required legal agreement. Timescales for the completion of the legal agreement and granting of permission is currently unknown. Once permission is granted the SANG must have commenced within 3 years and will be conditioned to be completed prior to occupation of the associated housing development. 

Intelligence and Communication 

Data, information, evidence and research used and how it has influenced the decision-making process

This is a list of data and information used to assess the impacts 

  • the Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2020-2025
  • supporting documents submitted with Planning Application 3/20/1732/FUL
  • advice sought from statutory consultees Natural England and Dorset Council Green Infrastructure Advice Team (GIAT)
  • Dorset Insight
  • Dorset Heaths 2019 Visitor Survey
  • planning application consultee comments 
  • planning application objections

Engagement or consultation that has taken place as part of this EqIA

The Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2020-2025 sets out the requirements for SANG provision. 

This is a list of the advice 

  • surveys carried out to provide background information for the Heathlands Planning Framework have shown that about half of visitors to the Dorset Heathlands arrive by car and about half on foot.
  • a very large proportion of the Dorset Heathland visitors are dog walkers, many of whom visit the particular site on a regular (i.e. multiple visits per week) basis and spend less than an hour there, walking on average about 2.3km.
  • The Dorset Heaths 2019 survey does not identify people visited the area using wheelchairs, mobility scooters or walking aids.
  • approximately 38% of people using Cranbourne Common also use the woodland where the SANG is being proposed, this identities an existing level of accessibility 

Both Natural England and the Dorset Council consider the application to be an acceptable form of heathland infrastructure project (HIP) providing the required mitigation.

Neighbours and statutory consultees such as the Parish Council have been consulted as required in a statutory consultation process. Responses to the planning application closed on 05 May 2021

the following responses were received:

  • 21 responses from residents living near the proposed site

  • 3 responses from local community organisations

  • responses from statutory providers (Highways, Trees)

  • Dorset Wildlife Trust

  • East Dorset Environment Partnership

  • Historic England

  • Alderholt Parish Council 

Further information needed to help inform this proposal

As the land is currently accessed by the public, surveys have been requested by Natural England and a condition will be imposed to ensure this is provided prior to commencement of the SANG. 

Also, Dorset Council recognise each heathland infrastructure project (HIP) is unique. For the proposed Highwood SANG and current intended purpose it is considered in this case, in consultation with Natural England, to be a suitable mitigation measure. However, as with all HIPs it is recognised that over time needs change. The continued assessments with Dorset Council and Natural England will allow changes in use to be identified and these can be reconsidered as required. Post completion surveys to assess functionality of SANG would be carried out in year 1, 3 or 5 and 10. 

The proposed site is located in the parish of Alderholt, which has a population of 3,233, which is broken down into:

0-15 years 773 (17.1% of the population)

16-64 years 1877 (58.1% of the population)

65+ years 803 (24.8% of the population) 

The parish has a total 1,263 households 

85.4% of residents in the parish reported have very good or good health 

(Source: 2011 Census)


Comments received have been recorded and made available online. These comments have formed part of the Planning Officer’s assessment which is detailed in the officer report. It has been confirmed under the Dorset Council Scheme of Delegation that the application can be a delegated decision and the officer report will be available online if permission is granted. 


Impacts of the strategy 

Impacts on who or what? Effect  Details 



None of the concerns raised in the planning consultation felt age could be an impact on a person being able to access the proposed site. However, some of the issues raised under disability could potentially impact on people of certain ages e.g. no safe walkway to the site and the site being too far from the associated development.

Current census data about the parish of Alderholt shows that 17.1% of the population is aged 15 and under and 24.8% is aged 65+ years plus.

We do not have enough information at this point to understand fully if there would be an impact on age.


(including physical, mental, sensory and progressive conditions)


Concerns have been raised by local residents in the planning consultation process that the proposed application is not an appropriate facility for physically impaired persons for the following reasons:

This is a list of concerns 

  • the site is too far from the associated development
  • no safe walkway to the site
  • no disabled access
  • no public parking or allocated disabled parking for the facility

Location and Access

While co-located SANGs are preferred as set out in the Dorset Heathland Planning Framework 2020-2025, there is no requirement for it to be located adjacent to a development. The proposed SANG can be accessed by a number of routes, including the following, which is intended to form part of larger circular walk around the area of Alderholt.

  1. Ringwood Road, Station Road/Daggons Road, E34/41, E34/40 – 1.5km (no footpath for the first 300m of Ringwood Road, no footpath for the last 100m of Daggons Road)

  2. Broomfield Drive, Birchwood Drive, Earlswood Drive, Ringwood Road, Station Road/Daggons Road, E34/41, E34/40 – 1.9km (footpath the entire route except the last 100m of Daggons Road)

  3. Broomfield Drive, Antells Way, E34/40 – 1.3km (no footpath on Antells Way, access difficult from the east on the E34/40 due to poor condition of parts of the PRoW)

These are the justifications for continuing with the proposal:

  • the provision of this SANG is to support the delivery of 44 additional houses on the site approved at Appeal under PA 3/16/1446/OUT. As set out in paragraph 5.11 in the SPD the threshold for SANG is normally 50 additional dwellings, however appropriate mitigation has been requested for this development due to cumulative impacts on protected heathland in the area. It is considered that the proposal would provide sufficient mitigation for 44 additional dwellings at the associated development, that it would not give rise to any significant adverse impacts, and that the proposal is acceptable in all material planning respects.
  • the proposed development will fulfil an important environmental role in mitigating potential cumulative impacts of additional population on protected sites, as requested by Natural England, who has raised no objection to the proposed, subject to condition.
  • the applicant has worked in consultation with Natural England and Dorset Council in the development of this SANG proposal. Throughout this process it became evident that there was no other suitable land in the surrounding area that would address the mitigation measures as required. This has also been evidenced in supporting documents submitted under PA 3/20/1732/FUL.


It is acknowledged that the proposed does not provide parking on site and that the associated development is approx. 1km from the SANG site.  However, it is not anticipated that the SANG would attract visitors from a large catchment area and would mainly be for local use. The SANG is well related to the existing rights of way network and its location is intended to facilitate a circular walk from the village to this publicly accessible area, rather than encouraging car journeys.

Notwithstanding this, based on the guidelines, 2-3 car parking spaces are required for the 2.45 ha site. Dorset Council Highways have been consulted and advise that sufficient on street parking is available in the surrounding area to accommodate parking for the facility.

Justification for continuing with the proposal :

there are no other suitable sites with the opportunity for onsite parking in the area

Dorset Council Highways have confirmed sufficient on street parking is available in the area

Does this affect a specific disability group?



Gender Identity:

Pregnancy and maternity

Race and Ethnicity

Religion or belief:

Sexual orientation

Sex (consider both men and women)

Marriage or civil partnership


Rural isolation

Single parent families

Social & economic deprivation

Armed Forces communities


We do not anticipate that this proposal will have impact on this protected characteristic group at this point in time.

Key to impacts 


the proposal eliminates discrimination, advances equality of opportunity and/or fosters good relations with protected groups.


Protected characteristic group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against


No change/ no assessed significant impact of protected characteristic groups


Not enough data/evidence has been collected to make an informed decision

Action Plan

Issue  Action to be taken  Person(s) responsible  Date to be completed by 

The site is too far from the associated development

N/A – see notes under section 4




No safe walkway to the site:

A safe walkway to the site can be achieved via Broomfield Drive, Broomfield Drive, Birchwood Drive, Earlswood Drive, Ringwood Road, Station Road/Daggons Road, E34/41, E34/40. This route is 1.9km.

It is noted the last approx. 100m before PRoW E34/41 there is no footway, however the speed limit is 40 mph at this point and there are accesses to residential properties from this part of the road, which also require pedestrian access.

this is the justification for continuing with the proposal :


  • while the safe walkway route is not the most direct route, there is a safe walkway route which is only 400m longer than the shortest route.




No disabled access:

The proposed access to the site is via Public Right of Way (PRoW) E34/41 and E34/40. This path starts as a gravel path providing access to residential properties and becomes more rural in nature as it continues north and can be compared to a ‘fire trail’ type path. This route will provide access for maintenance vehicles and is maintained by Dorset Council. While the proposed path is not tarmac, it could be potentially be used by sturdy, off-road capable scooters or powerchairs. As it a PRoW DC is responsible for the maintenance of the surface. There is the opportunity to use Community Infrastructure Levy money from the associated development and other developments in the surrounding area to improve the existing PRoW if required.

Proposed new paths within the site are proposed to be wood chip as SANG requirements note ‘paths must be easily used and well maintained but most should remain unsurfaced to avoid the site becoming too urban in feel.’

It is acknowledged that the nature woodchip paths may be difficult to use with mobility aids such as scooters, therefore it is proposed to request that hoggin paths are provided to provide a more suitable surface.

this is the justification for continuing with the proposal :


  • Potential to improve existing and proposed paths to increase accessibility.

PRoW – Dorset Council

Proposed paths within the SANG – Pennyfarthing Homes

PRoW – 2 years from completion of year 1 monitoring survey (subject to monitoring surveys)

Paths - On completion of the proposed facility

No public parking or allocated disabled parking

N/A – see notes under section 4




Name: Naomi Shinkins

Job Title: Lead Project Officer           

Date:   04 May 2021  

Who has agreed this EqIA?

Officer completing this EqIA:  Naomi Shinkins          Date: 14 May 2021 

Equality Lead:                         Susan Ward-Rice      Date: 18 May 2021 

Second sign off:                      Becky Forrester         Date: 20 May 2021