All Ukrainians arriving in England can access National Health Service (NHS) healthcare. This includes help from:

  • a doctor - General Practitioner (GP)
  • nurse consultations
  • dentist
  • hospital services
  • urgent care centres

Find out more about how the NHS works


Registering with your GP (doctor)

To receive medical treatment, you must register with a GP as soon as possible, even if you are not ill. To find a GP and register visit the NHS website.

To help you register with GPs, the NHS have developed bilingual registration forms.

Immigration status is not needed to register.

You may be eligible to apply for the NHS low-income scheme. This helps with health costs like prescriptions, dental care, and eyesight tests. You can ask your GP practice about this. 

Registering with a dentist

You should register with a dentist as an NHS patient and let them know if you are receiving benefits. If you do, your check-ups and necessary treatment will be free. If you need dental treatment before you receive Universal Credit you will have to pay.

You can get extra money from Universal Credit if you have a health condition that means you are:

  • unable to work
  • unable to prepare for work

If you are unable to register at a local dentist, you can call 111 on for NHS Urgent Dental Care Services.

Contact details

For life-threatening emergencies call 999 for an ambulance.

For urgent medical help use the NHS 111 online service or call 111 if you're unable to get help online.

The Dorset Healthcare website has a list of:

  • local hospitals
  • other health services

Public Health Dorset offer services to help improve your physical and mental health.

Mental health support

You may have been through a traumatic time and exposed to a huge amount of stress

There are mental health services available that can help if you are struggling. Talk to your doctor if you are:

  • feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed
  • having thoughts and feelings that are affecting your daily life

If you do not want to talk to a GP, your guest can also talk to support advisors at: 

Mind, a mental health charity. Call on: 0300 123 3393 or visit the Mind website

Samaritans provides emotional support. Call on: 116 123 or email:

The NHS website also offers lots of advice and information.

Other mental health support in Ukrainian and Russian:

Barnardo's Ukraine Helpline

Counselling, therapy, other support with Ukrainian and Russian interpreters

Call on: 0800 148 8586 or email:

British Red Cross

Emotional support and wellbeing resources in Ukrainian and Russian

Sane Ukraine

Trauma support for people from Ukraine, daily sessions at 7.30pm Ukrainian time.


Mental health support and resources for Ukrainians in the UK.

Maternity and pregnancy

If you are pregnant or find out you are pregnant, you should contact your local GP as soon as possible.  

It’s important to see a GP or midwife early on to get:

  • pregnancy (antenatal) care
  • information you need to have a health pregnancy and birth

Find out more on the NHS website.


Your guest can access free vaccinations for themselves and family members. Find out more on the NHS website.


The Dorset Blind Association can help if you are blind. Call: 01202 712869 or visit the Dorset Blind Association website.