The Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2031 – First Review was made (adopted) on 12 March 2024.
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2031 – First Review (March 2024)
- Decision Statement (March 2024)
The First Review version replaces the original neighbourhood plan which was made (adopted) on 8 March 2019.
Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan Review
The independent examiner's report of the Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan First Review was issued on 28 February 2024.
The neighbourhood plan first review was submitted in November 2023:
It was supported by the following documents:
- Consultation Statement (Nov 2023)
- Basic Conditions Report (Nov 2023)
- Modifications Statement (Nov 2023)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment – Screening report (June 2023)
- Habitat Regulations Assessment (December 2023)
The parish council also provided the following evidence base documents:
- Hazelbury Bryan - Housing Target Paper (Nov 2023)
- Appeal Decision - Land at Kingston Lane/Frizzel’s Hill (Sept 2021)
- Appeal Decision - Orchard Farm, Silly Hill to Kingston Lane (Oct 2022)
- Appeal Decision - Land West of The Causeway (Aug 2023)
The Regulation 16 consultation took place between 24 November 2023 and 12 January 2024. All representations received to this consultation, as well as an independent modifications statement produced by Dorset Council, were compiled into the following report:
In January 2024, the above documents and representations were sent to an Independent Examiner (Andrew Mead BSc (Hons) MRTPI MIQ). The Examiner considered whether the plan met certain basic conditions, satisfied legal requirements, and whether a referendum was necessary.
On 22 January 2022 the examiner wrote to Dorset Council and Hazelbury Bryan Parish Council to confirm that a referendum was not necessary as part of this neighbourhood plan review.
Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2031
The Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2031 was 'made' (adopted) by North Dorset District Council on the 8 March 2019.
Following a majority 'yes' vote in the referendum, the decision was taken to make the Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2031 part of the development plan for the Hazelbury Bryan neighbourhood area.
The decision statement and the 'made' Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2031 are available online and can be inspected 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday at:
Dorset Council
County Hall
Colliton Park
At the examination, an independent examiner reviewed the plan and made recommendations in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act and related regulations. In particular, the examiner considered whether the plan meets certain basic conditions, satisfies legal requirements, and identifies an appropriate area for a referendum.
The basic conditions, which are set out in the legislation, are intended to ensure that neighbourhood plans are compatible with their wider context. The plan must:
- have regard to national planning policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;
- contribute to achieving sustainable development;
- be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan for the area (The North Dorset Local Plan); and,
- be compatible with EU obligations and human rights requirements.
The referendum relating to the Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2031 took place on 7 February 2019. The result of the referendum was that a majority (92%) voted for the District Council to use the neighbourhood plan to help decide planning applications in the Parish of Hazelbury Bryan.
Please see below for documents relevant to the referendum.
- Summary of Representations
- Examiner's Report
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2031 (as modified as a result of the examination)
- Decision Statement, which includes a statement by the local planning authority that the plan as proposed meets the basic conditions
- Information Statement, which includes general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum
Examiner's Report
Mr David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI issued his report on the submitted Hazelbury Neighbourhood Plan on 21 November 2018. He concludes that provided the recommended modifications are made, the plan would meet the basic conditions. He therefore recommends that the plan, as modified, should proceed to referendum.
Submission for Examination
With the agreement of Hazelbury Bryan Parish Council, Mr David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI has been appointed to examine the Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan. In accordance with Regulation 17 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 the submitted plan and all relevant documents have been made available to the examiner.
During the examination of the plan Chapman Lily Planning Limited sent an email for the attention of the Examiner regarding the possible need for hearing sessions as part of the examination. The response, sent on behalf of the Examiner, sets out that the Examiner considered it unnecessary to hold hearing sessions.
Consultation on the Submitted Plan
As the local planning authority, the district council was required to consult on the plan before the examination takes place. People were given from Friday 10 August to Friday 21 September 2018 to make representations on the plan with regard to its content and how it has been prepared.
Representations received to the submission draft Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan
Document Reference | Response |
HB01 | Andrew Coombs |
HB02 | Annette Watson |
HB03 | David Mitchell |
HB04 | Dorothy Hannam |
HB05 | Dorset County Council |
HB06 | Highways England |
HB07 | Historic England |
HB08 | Ian Watson |
HB09 | Julie Coombs |
HB10 | Messrs Hannam |
HB11 | Messrs Williamson-Jones |
HB12 | Natural England |
HB13 | North Dorset District Council |
HB14 | Paul Dance |
HB15 | Wessex Water |
HB16 | Nigel Smith |
North Dorset District Council received a late submission from Nigel Smith which the Examiner has accepted and can be found in the table above.
Following the consultation on the submitted plan it came to the district council’s attention that one of the submission documents (SEA Presubmission Report (March 2018) plus Submission Addendum (June 2018)) may not have been available to view for a limited amount of time during the consultation period. Consequently, the district council decided to take a precautionary approach and allow interested parties an additional period of time to comment on the SEA. During this period the council received two responses which are set out below.
Document Reference | Response |
HB07 | Historic England |
HB17 |
The district council has considered the points raised by Chapman Lily Planning Limited in its response. The district council considers that the period of consultation regarding the SEA does not need to be extended as it highly likely that the SEA was available to view on the website during the whole of the regulation 16 consultation period. It is of note that no party contacted the council during the original 6 week consultation period (10 August to 21 September 2018) to make it aware that it was not possible to view the SEA document.
Please find below links to the submission documents, including the submission version of the neighbourhood plan and supporting evidence.
Submission Documents
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan (Submission Draft - July 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Policies Map (June 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Summary (June 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (June 2018)
- SEA Presubmission Report (March 2018) plus Submission Addendum (June 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Strategic SEA & HRA Determination (February 2018)
- SEA & HRA Environmental Issues Report (Screening & Scoping) (July 2017)
Associated Documents
Earlier Version of the Plan
Supporting Evidence
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Businesses-Employment List (January 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan - Facilities & Amenities
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan DERC Sites Ecological Survey (January 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Antelope Ecological Survey (November 2017)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Environmental Assets Review
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Kim Sankey Heritage Assessment (January 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Antelope PH Heritage Assessment (January 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Assessment incl Addendum (June 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Local Green Spaces assessment
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Issues Report (June 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Important Views - Consolidated (June 2018)
- Hazelbury Bryan Neighbourhood Plan Design Guidelines (March 2018)
Background Information and Documents
- An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 3, Central (1970) (RCHME)
- Ancient Tree Guide 4 (November 2008) (Woodland Trust)
- Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Workspace Strategy (October 2016) (produced in association with the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole local authorities and the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership)
- CPRE Dark Skies Map
- Dorset AONB traffic in villages toolkit
- Employment Land Review: Review of Existing Sites (April 2007) (North Dorset District Council)
- Hazelbury Bryan Parish Plan (September 2010)
- North Dorset Landscape Character Assessment (North Dorset District Council)
- North Dorset Local Plan Part 1 (January 2016) (North Dorset District Council)
- The Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP) (2011) Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light GN01:2011