Results of the Ferndown Town Council - Ferndown Ameysford Ward - election on 8 August 2024 

View the results of the Ferndown Town Council - Ferndown Ameysford Ward - election on 8 August 2024

Number of votes received per candidate
Candidate Description (if any) Number of votes*
Jacqueline Susan
(commonly known as Jacqui Cable)
Independent - Ferndown People`s Alliance (FPA) 364 ELECTED
Andrei Silviu
Reform UK 42

* If elected the word "ELECTED" appears against the number of votes.

Number of ballot papers rejected:
Reason  Number rejected
Want of an official mark 0
Voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to 0
Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 2
Rejected in part 0
Total 2

Number of vacant seats, electorate, ballot papers issued and turnout:

  • vacant seats: 1
  • electorate: 2379
  • ballot papers issued: 408
  • turnout: 17.15%