Factsheet (Recognition, understanding and communication) RUC 1: What is the Armed Forces Covenant?

The Government describes The Armed Forces Covenant as:

“… an enduring Covenant between the people of the United Kingdom, Her Majesty’s Government and all those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces and their families”.

The Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant sets out the relationship between the nation, the Government and the Armed Forces. It recognises that the whole nation has a moral obligation to members of the Armed Forces and their families, and it establishes how they should expect to be treated. It considers the Armed Forces Community to include Regular Personnel, Reservists, Veterans, families of these and the bereaved.

The whole nation has a moral obligation to the members of the Naval Service, the Army and the Royal Air Force, together with their families. They deserve our respect and support, and fair treatment.

The Armed Forces Community includes:

Regular personnel – Individuals currently serving as members of the Naval Service (including Royal Navy and Royal Marines), Army or Royal Air Force.

Reservists – Volunteer Reservists, who form the Royal Navy Reserve, Royal Marine Reserve, Territorial Army and the Royal Auxiliary Air Force, and Regular Reservists who comprise the Royal Fleet Reserve, Army Reserve and Royal Air Force Reserve.

Veterans – Those who have served for at least a day in the HM Armed Forces, whether as a Regular or a Reservist.

Families of Regular Personnel, Reservists and Veterans – The immediate family of those within the above categories. 

Bereaved – The immediate family of Service Personnel and Veterans who have died whether or not that death has any connection with the service.

Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme

Dorset is fortunate to have a two year MoD Funded Programme that employs a Programme Coordinator who is responsible for the delivery of specific projects identified to support the Armed Forces community across the pan-Dorset area.

The main partners in this programme are Dorset County Council. Bournemouth Borough Council, Borough of Poole, Dorset HealthCare NHS University Foundation Trust, NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Dorset.

The overarching aim of the programme is to raise the profile of and to embed the Covenant in the day to day activities of all partner organisations across Dorset, ensuring that all members of the armed forces community are treated fairly and equitably.


Contact the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme

Email: dorsetafc@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Full contact details