Our courses for safeguarding adults

The dates are:

  • 28 February 2025
  • 20 March 2025

The course will:

  • be from 9:30am to 4pm
  • be held on Zoom
  • cost £50

Cost of safeguarding adults courses

The Dorset Council People- Adults pricing policy changed from 1 April 2020 to:

  • full day course - £50 per attendee
  • half day course - £40 per attendee

These costs will also be incurred for attendees who are classified as a late cancellation, meaning who cancel their place within 1 week of the course date, or a ‘no show’ on the day of the course.

One of our priorities in The Dorset Council Plan 2022 to 2024 is to create stronger, healthier communities. We will do more to support and enable voluntary and charitable organisations who are providing valuable help and support and making a positive difference to our communities.

To support this aim, attendees from local voluntary, community and not for profit organisations may be offered places on Safeguarding Adults courses free of charge.

Aim of our safeguarding adults courses

To raise awareness of adult abuse and the responsibility of staff as detailed in local safeguarding adults policy and procedures.

Participants will be provided with the knowledge to enable them to undertake the safeguarding role within their workplace.

Learning objectives for our courses

Our learning objectives are to:

  • list the categories and indicators of abuse
  • identify adults at risk as defined in the Care Act and take appropriate action
  • understand dignity and respect when working with individuals and mental capacity
  • apply the principles of making safeguarding personal
  • understand the procedures for raising a safeguarding concern and sharing information
  • demonstrate knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation which supports adult safeguarding

Target group for our courses

All staff, in a variety of roles, who support or work with adults within Care Dorset, independent, voluntary, private and community care services, including front line staff and managers.

Apply for this safeguarding adults course

Request a place on this safeguarding adults course.

Learning and Development, Adult services

Name: Adult Services
Name: Learning and Development, Adult Services
Email: AdultsandHousingLandD@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 01305 225060
Full contact details