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Introduction: Errata interim mitigation strategy (consultation on Proposed Main Modifications to the Purbeck Local Plan)

1. Following publication of the Interim mitigation strategy the council has identified a number of errata, or errors, in the published electronic and paper drafts of the ‘Interim mitigation strategy for heathland habitat sites (2018/19 to 2023/24). 

2. The electronic drafts of the document have been published on the council’s website (FMMCD1: Interim Mitigation Strategy - Dorset Council) and the paper drafts of the strategy are available to view at local libraries in Purbeck, Dorchester and Hamworthy, and in Town Council Offices in Lytchett Minster and Upton, Swanage and Wareham.

3. The document lists the errata which have been identified and suggests a correction put forward by the council. The consultation on the Further Proposed Main Modifications opened on Monday 6 December 2021 and closes on 24 January 2022. The council will maintain and update this list of errata during the consultation period. 

Errata in paper drafts of the interim mitigation strategy

4. We have listed the errata identified in the paper drafts of the interim mitigation strategy below. The errata are identified as tracked changes.

Page 27, second column of Table 8 relating to staggered plans for growth in Poole between 2023 to 2033

As drafted:

‘Around 8,150’


‘Around 8,150 homes'

Page 31, paragraph 94

As drafted:

‘The 5-kilometre area around these heaths extends into Purbeck and also washes
over Corfe Mullen and Sturminster Newton (both settlements are positioned within 5-
kilometres of the boundary with the Purbeck area).’


‘The 5-kilometre area around these heaths extends into Purbeck and also washes
over Corfe Mullen and Sturminster Newton Marshall (both settlements are positioned within 5-kilometres of the boundary with the Purbeck area).’

Page 54, title (referring to possible heathland infrastructure projects)

As drafted:

‘Map to broad location of possible HIP – Land to the east of Gore Heath.’


‘Map to show broad location of possible HIP – Land to the east of Gore Heath.’

Page 94, title (referring to the Purbeck Local Plan).

As drafted:

‘Purbeck Local Plan (2018 – 3034)’


‘Purbeck Local Plan (2018 – 23034)'

Errata in the electronic drafts of the interim mitigation strategy published on the council’s website

5.  We have listed the errata identified in the electronic drafts of the interim mitigation strategy (as published on the council’s website) below. The errata are identified as tracked changes.

Page 27, second column of Table 8 relating to staggered plans for growth in Poole between 2023 to 2033

As drafted:

‘Around 8,150’


‘Around 8,150 homes'

Page 31, paragraph 94

As drafted:

‘The 5-kilometre area around these heaths extends into Purbeck and also washes
over Corfe Mullen and Sturminster Newton (both settlements are positioned within 5-
kilometres of the boundary with the Purbeck area).’


‘The 5-kilometre area around these heaths extends into Purbeck and also washes
over Corfe Mullen and Sturminster Newton Marshall (both settlements are positioned within 5-kilometres of the boundary with the Purbeck area).’