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In order to be eligible for the apprenticeship you must:

  • be able to work full time for 26 months and agree to comply with Dorset Council’s policies and procedures
  • agree to complete and record 20% off-job-training which will be delivered at college and in the workplace (a mandatory requirement of an apprenticeship)
  • agree to take an active role in your learning which will include a mixture of academic and practical subjects
  • agree to complete the requirements for functional skills Maths and English before your End Point Assessment (as necessary)
  • have an interest in pursuing a career in countryside management
  • use the post as a first step into a career

We do not use age as criteria for selecting apprentices. Any application will be processed through the selection procedure in the same way. All apprentices will be asked about any additional learning support they may require to complete the apprenticeship – no apprentice will be disadvantaged due to the learning support they may need.


You will be required to:

  • travel to your place of work and training courses
  • do some of your qualifications work at home

Previous qualifications

If you have other higher level qualifications in an environmental or countryside management subject, we will consider your application on an individual basis. We need to make sure that you will not be duplicating training already carried out in your previous qualification and that you will be committed to achieving your Apprenticeship.

Apprentice Ranger Coordinator

Name: Graham Stanley
Email: Graham.Stanley@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 01258 456970
Full contact details