Property that is unoccupied and empty (substantially unfurnished) and undergoing or needing structural changes to make it habitable

We apply a 50% discount for the first 12 months, or up to 6 months after the work is completed for a maximum of 12 months.

To qualify the property:

  • must be vacant (unoccupied and unfurnished); and 
  • must be undergoing structural alteration; or
  • must be in need of or undergoing major repair work to render it habitable; or
  • has undergone major repair work to render it habitable and less than 6 months have elapsed since substantial completion of the works and the property has remained vacant since completion

The following are sufficient for the discount to apply:

  • work required rectifying or further preventing structural damage to property i.e. underpinning
  • total replacement of floors including new joists/damp proof membrane
  • total replacement of ceilings or roof including new joists / timbers
  • total re-plastering (back to brick) of the entire walls of the majority of the property
  • work required making good extensive damage due to flood or fire
It is important that you apply at the earliest opportunity as we will inspect your property as part of the process.  

Refurbishment and/or redecoration including re-wiring and plumbing, installation of a new kitchen/bathroom are not sufficient grounds for the discount to apply. 

When you apply, tell us:

  • the date the property became unfurnished and structural changes needed
  • an address we can write to (not the address of the empty property)

You will need to complete an application and provide evidence including photos.

Contact us to apply

Unfurnished and unoccupied property

Property that is unoccupied and substantially unfurnished can qualify for up to one month 100% Council Tax discount. This applies from the first date the property becomes vacant – it is based on the property and not the liable person and does not restart if there is a change of ownership or tenancy.  

Property that remains unoccupied and empty (substantially unfurnished)

Until 31 March 2019:

All councils in Dorset charged a 50% premium on properties that have remained unoccupied and unfurnished for more than 2 years.

From 1 April 2019:

Dorset Council charges a 100% premium (meaning the Council Tax is doubled) on properties that have remained unoccupied and unfurnished for more than 2 years.

From 1 April 2020:

An additional premium of 200% may apply to a property that has been unoccupied and unfurnished for a period between 5 and 10 years.

From 1 April 2021:

An additional premium of 300% may apply to a property that has been unoccupied and unfurnished for a period over 10 years.

From 1 April 2024:

Following a change in legislation the additional empty premium of 100% will be charged one year from the date the property becomes empty on or after 1 April 2024. If the one year anniversary of the property becoming empty is before 1 April 2024 the increased premium charge will apply on 1 April 2024.

Exceptions to long term empty premium charge

From 1 April 2025 new legislation has been introduced to allow certain exceptions to the additional premium charge.

The full government guidance on exceptions can be viewed at Council Tax information letter 2/2024: proposals to exempt categories of dwellings from the council tax premiums in England (

We will not process your application unless the evidence required is received. You should continue to pay in line with any bills you have received whilst you await the outcome of your application.

Properties requiring or undergoing major or structural repairs

Properties undergoing major repair or structural alteration may be excepted from the long-term empty premium charge for up to 12 months. 

Unlike other councils, Dorset Council still allow a 50% major works discount in these cases and so this exception runs concurrent with the discount. 

In effect a qualifying property will receive a 12 month 50% charge and at the end of the 12 month discounted period the premium will be applied - no additional period of exception applies.

Where the repairs are completed in less than 12 months the exception applies for up to 6 months or until the end of the 12 months, whichever is sooner.

The exception cannot apply again unless the property has been sold. 

Properties being actively marketed for sale

This exception is time-limited and can apply for up to 12 months from the point that the dwelling has first been marketed. The exception can only apply after 1 April 2025 and so if the property has been marketed before this time only the balance up to one year will apply. 

The exception ends when either the 12 months has expired, or the property is sold or is no longer actively marketed.

This exception can only apply once for the same owner of a particular property.

You will be asked to provide the following evidence:

  • evidence that the property is clearly advertised for sale
  • a letter from the estate agent or solicitor dealing with the sale confirming that it is advertised at a fair market rate
  • a copy of the EPC certificate contained in the sale particulars
  • evidence of any other reasonable steps you have taken to sell the property

Properties being actively marketed for let

This exception is time-limited and can apply for up to 12 months from the point that the dwelling has first been marketed. The exception can only apply after 1 April 2025 and so if the property has been marketed before this time only the balance up to one year will apply. 

The exception ends when either the 12 months has expired, or the property is let or no longer actively marketed.

This exception can only apply again on the same property following a continuously let period of at least 6 months.

You will need to provide the following evidence:

  • evidence that the property is clearly advertised for let
  • a letter from the letting agent or evidence that similar properties attract the same or similar rent, confirming that it is advertised at a fair market rate
  • a copy of the EPC certificate contained in the sale particulars
  • evidence of any other reasonable steps you have taken to let the property

Properties left empty because somebody has died

Where the property has fallen within exempt class F (0% payable for up to 6 months following probate) because the previous resident has died, it can be excepted from the premium charge for up to a further 6 months where a full charge would apply. 

The exception ends when either:

  • a full 12 months have expired following the grant of probate date
  • the property has changed owner by being transferred to the beneficiaries
  • the property is sold 
  • the property is occupied

It is important that you provide the date of probate as soon as it is obtained and also the date the furniture has been removed from the property. 

Second homes

If your dwelling is a second home, meaning it is furnished and no one's sole or main residence, no discount will apply. From 1 April 2025 a 100% additional premium will be applied automatically.

Further information regarding second homes and exceptions to the premium is shown in Council Tax on second homes.


If a single property includes more than one dwelling, for example an annexe, a 50% discount may apply if:

  • the dwelling is being used by a resident of the other dwelling(s) as part of the sole or main residence; or
  • the dwelling is the sole or main residence of a close relative of the person who is liable to pay Council Tax for the other dwelling(s)

The 50% discount can be applied in addition to other discounts.

When you apply, tell us:

  • your property address
  • the date you want to claim from

Contact us to apply