Help your customers get online
Embedded Digital Champion (EDC) training could be for you if you:
- work or volunteer in a front line role serving Dorset's residents
- would you like to help your customers use your online services
You can sign up for our free training to become an EDC within your own organisation.
You don’t have to be a digital expert. In fact, some of the best champions are those who understand what it is like to feel unsure and who don’t have all the answers to start with.
Everyone you help will gain new skills and grow in confidence and you will too.
1,200 people have already successfully completed the EDC training.
We have two training offers - one general session for all front line workers and volunteers and another tailored for health and social care workers.
Welcome sessions
Before your training gets underway, we invite you to an online welcome session.
The session will cover:
- what digital inclusion is all about
- the EDC role
- how we can develop our own digital skills
- further support patients can be signposted to
You can book the following welcome sessions:
About the training
We are teaming up with Barclays Digital Wings so all the training can be completed online and in your own time.
The training will enable you to support residents at the point when help is needed in the area where you work.
As part of the training, we will make sure you are able to help with any questions you might be asked. You will feel part of a supportive digital community where you can share knowledge and information even at the most basic level.
Further information and a link to sign up will be provided at the welcome sessions.
Special training for health and social care workers
Do you work in health or social care? Then we offer tailored embedded digital champion sessions just for you.
This online course is just two hours long and is done via a webinar. You can also request in-person training for groups.
Not only will the course help improve your own knowledge of digital inclusion and the support available to help people get online, but it will also make your role easier by encouraging patients and clients to go digital.
You can book a place on the following dates:
To arrange in-person training for groups, email
Register for training
Register for training on the Barclays Digital Wings website.
Contact us
For more information you can email us.