Resources and information to support Ukrainian refugee children

Resources for supporting Ukrainian children:


Age 0 to 5 years

Early years education and childcare

Search for childcare

Some childcare can be funded for children over 2 years old. find out more about childcare funding options.

Age 5 to 16

Schools provide education for all children.

Find a school place

Alternatively, you can contact customer services:

Free School meals

Children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically get free school meals. Children in Year 3 or above may be eligible for free school meals. This includes if their parent is receiving Universal Credit. Find out more and apply for free school meals.

Home to school travel

Some children are eligible for home to school travel assistance. For criteria and how to apply see the school transport.

Age 16 to 18

It is compulsory to be in education, employment or training until children are 18 in England.

School or College

You apply directly to the school or college for education after the age of 16, not through us.

Here is a list of all schools and colleges in Dorset that offer education for children from 16 to 18. Sixth forms and colleges in Dorset - Dorset Council


An apprenticeship is a real job where you learn, gain experience, and get paid. You’re an employee with a contract of employment and holiday leave. By the end of an apprenticeship, you’ll have the right skills and knowledge needed for your chosen career.    

See find out more about apprenticeships.

Holiday activities and food (HAF) programme

During 2023, pass codes are free of charge to the children in Dorset Refugee Programmes. This includes all our Ukrainian guests, and the children of our Host Families.

Find out more about the holiday activities and food (HAF) programme.

Hosts and childcare

You might wish to leave your child or children with your host family for a short while. For instance, if you wished to visit relatives in Ukraine for a week or two over the Christmas period.  This would be a private arrangement between you and your host.

If you decide to do this, you need to speak to your host well in advance.

You need to make sure:

  • everyone is comfortable with the arrangement
  • the host understands their responsibilities of caring for your child or children

If you were away for a 28 days or more, we would class this as a private fostering arrangement. Speak with the Ukraine Response Team, as soon as you start thinking about this. There is a strict process to follow to allow children to remain in the UK without their parents or guardians present. Guidance for sponsors (children and minors applying without parents or legal guardians).

Adult Learning in Dorset

Adult Learning in Dorset

There are learning centres in Dorset. They are run by:

  • Skills and Learning
  • local colleges
  • other adult education providers

They offer a range of courses for vocational skills, further and higher education. Find out more about learning English and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses.

Education providers and colleges


Higher education is available through universities and some colleges. Applications are usually made through UCAS.


You are eligible for student support if you have been granted leave under the:

  • Homes for Ukraine scheme
  • Ukraine Family scheme
  • the Ukraine Extension scheme

You will be charged ‘home status’ tuition fees, rather than international or overseas fees. Support for students from Ukraine | Undergraduate, Conservatoires | UCAS

You will also qualify for advanced learner loans for further education courses.

You do not need to prove 3 years residence in the UK before the start of your course.

Find out more about adult education and funding.